Chapter 2
The Evolution of the Egg
The Chicken, from Jungle to Barnyard
The Industrial Egg
How the Hen Makes an Egg
The Yolk
The White
The Nutritional Value of Eggs
Egg Quality, Handling, and Safety
Egg Grades
Deterioration in Egg Quality
Handling and Storing Eggs
Egg Safety: The Salmonella Problem
The Chemistry of Egg Cooking: How Eggs Get Hard and Custards Thicken
Protein Coagulation
The Chemistry of Egg Flavor
Eggs Cooked In the Shell
Eggs Cooked Out of the Shell
Egg-Liquid Mixtures: Custards and Creams
Dilution Demands Delicacy
Custard Theory and Practice
Cream Theory and Practice
Egg Foams: Cooking with the Wrist
How the Egg Proteins Stabilize Foams
How Proteins Destabilize Foams
The Enemies of Egg Foams
The Effects of Other Ingredients
Basic Egg-Beating Techniques
Meringues: Sweet Foams on Their Own
Soufflés: A Breath of Hot Air
Yolk Foams: Zabaglione and Sabayons
Pickled Eggs
Chinese Preserved Eggs
The egg is one of the kitchen’s marvels, and one of nature’s. Its simple, placid shape houses an everyday miracle: the transformation of a bland bag of nutrients into a living, breathing, vigorous creature. The egg has loomed large as a symbol for the enigmatic origins of animals, of humans, of gods, of the earth, of the entire cosmos. The Egyptian Book of the Dead, the Indian Rg Veda, Greek Orphic mysteries, and creation myths throughout the world have been inspired by the eruption of life from within a lifeless, blank shell.
Humpty Dumpty has had a great fall! If eggs inspire any notable feeling today, it’s boredom tinged by wariness. The chicken egg is now an industrial product, so familiar that it would be almost invisible — except that it was stigmatized by the cholesterol phobia of the 1970s and 1980s.
Neither familiarity nor fear should obscure eggs’ great versatility. Their contents are primal, the unstructured stuff of life. This is why they are protean, why the cook can use them to generate such a variety of structures, from a light, insubstantial meringue to a dense, lingeringly rich custard. Eggs reconcile oil and water in a host of smooth sauces; they refine the texture of candies and ice creams; they give flavor, substance, and nutritiousness to soups, drinks, breads, pastas, and cakes; they put a shine on pastries; they clarify meat stocks and wines. On their own, they’re amenable to being boiled, fried, deep-fried, baked, roasted, pickled, and fermented.
Meanwhile modern science has only deepened the egg’s aptness as an emblem of creation. The yolk is a stockpile of fuel obtained by the hen from seeds and leaves, which are in turn stockpiles of the sun’s radiant energy. The yellow pigments that gave the yolk its name also come directly from plants, where they protect the chemical machinery of photosynthesis from being overwhelmed by the sun. So the egg does embody the chain of creation, from the developing chick back through the hen to the plants that fed her, and then to the ultimate source of life’s fire, the yellow sphere of the sky. An egg is the sun’s light refracted into life.
Many animals lay eggs, and humans exploit a number of them, from pigeons and turkeys to wild birds, penguins, turtles, and crocodiles. The chicken egg is by far the most commonly eaten in most countries, so I’ll concentrate on it, with occasional asides on duck eggs.
The Chicken and the Egg
Over the centuries there have been several clever answers to the conundrum, Which came first: the chicken or the egg? The Church Fathers sided with the chicken, pointing out that according to Genesis, God first created the creatures, not their reproductive apparatus. The Victorian Samuel Butler awarded the egg overall priority when he said that a chicken is just an egg’s way of making another egg. About one point, however, there is no dispute: eggs existed long before chickens did. Ultimately, we owe our soufflés and sunny-sides-up to the invention of sex.
The Evolution of the Egg
Sharing DNA Defined broadly, the egg is a kind of cell that is specialized for the process of sexual reproduction, in which two parents contribute genes to the making of a new individual. The first living things were single cells and reproduced on their own, each cell simply making a copy of its DNA and then dividing itself into two cells. The first sexual organisms, probably single-celled algae, paired up and exchanged DNA with each other before dividing — a mixing that greatly facilitated genetic change. Specialized egg and sperm cells became necessary around a billion years ago, when many-celled organisms evolved and this simple transfer of DNA was no longer possible.
The World Egg
In the beginning this world was nonexistent. It became existent. It developed. It turned into an egg. It lay for the period of a year. It split apart. One of the parts became silver, one gold.
That which was silver is this earth. That which was gold is the sky. That which was the outer membrane is the mountains. That which was the inner membrane is clouds and mist. What were the veins are the rivers. What was the fluid within is the ocean.
What was born from the egg is the sun. When it was born, shouts and hurrahs and all beings and all desires rose up toward it. Therefore at its rise and at its every return, shouts and hurrahs and all beings and all desires rise up toward it.
— Chandogya Upanishad, ca. 800 BCE
What makes an egg an egg? Of the two reproductive cells, it’s the larger, less mobile one. It receives the sperm cell, accommodates the joining of the two gene sets, and then divides and differentiates into the embryonic organism. It also provides food for at least the initial stages of this growth. This is why eggs are so nutritious: Like milk and like plant seeds, they are actually designed to be foods, to support new creatures until they are able to fend for themselves.
Improving the Package The first animal eggs were released into the equable oceans, where their outer membrane could be simple and their food supply minimal. Some 300 million years ago, the earliest fully landdwelling animals, the reptiles, developed a self-contained egg with a leathery skin that slowed fatal water loss, and with enough food to support prolonged embryonic development into a fully formed animal. The eggs of birds, animals that arose some 100 million years later, are a refined version of the primitive reptile egg. Their hard, mineralized shell is impermeable enough that the embryo can develop in the driest habitats; and they contain an array of antimicrobial defenses. These developments made the bird egg into an ideal human food. It contains a sizeable and balanced portion of animal nutrients; and it’s so well packaged that it keeps for weeks with little or no care.
Chicken, from Jungle
to Barnyard
Eggs, then, are nearly a billion years older than the oldest birds. The genus Gallus, to which the chicken belongs, is a mere 8 million years old, and Gallus gallus, the chicken species, has been around only for the last 3 to 4 million years.
For a barnyard commoner, the chicken has a surprisingly exotic background. Its immediate ancestors were jungle fowl native to tropical and subtropical Southeast Asia and India. The chicken more or less as we know it was probably domesticated in Southeast Asia before 7500 BCE, which is when larger-than-wild bones date from in Chinese finds far north of the jungle fowl’s current range. By 1500 BCE chickens had found their way to Sumer and Egypt, and they arrived around 800 BCE in Greece, where they became known as “Persian birds,” and where quail were the primary source of eggs.
The Domestic Egg We’ll never know exactly why chickens were domesticated, but they may well have been valued more for their prolific egg production than for their meat. Some birds will lay only a set number of eggs at a time, no matter what happens to the eggs. Others, including the chicken, will lay until they accumulate a certain number in the nest. If an egg is taken by a predator, the hen will lay another to replace it — and may do so indefinitely. Over a lifetime, these “indeterminate layers” will produce many more eggs than the “determinate” layers. Wild Indian jungle fowl lay clutches of about twelve glossy, brown eggs a few times each year. In industrial production — the ecological equivalent of unlimited food resources combined with unrelenting predation — their domesticated cousins will lay an egg a day for a year or more.
Food Words: Egg and Yolk
Egg comes from an Indo-European root meaning “bird.”
The brusque-sounding yolk is rich in overtones of light and life. It comes from the Old English for “yellow,” whose Greek cousin meant “yellow-green,” the color of new plant growth. Both the Old English and the Greek derive ultimately from an Indo-European root meaning “to gleam, to glimmer.” The same root gave us glow and gold.
Cooked Eggs Doubtless bird eggs have been roasted ever since humans mastered fire; in As You Like It Shakespeare has Touchstone call Corin “damned, like an ill-roasted egg, all on one side.” Salting and pickling eggs are ancient treatments that preserved the spring’s bounty for use throughout the year. We know from the recipes of Apicius that the Romans ate ova frixa, elixa, et hapala — fried, boiled, and “soft” eggs — and the patina, which could be a savory quiche or a sweet custard. By medieval times, the French were sophisticated omelet makers and the English were dressing poached eggs with the sauce that would come to be called crème anglaise. Savory yolk-based sauces and egg-white foams developed over the next three centuries. By around 1900, Escoffier had a repertoire of more than 300 egg dishes, and in his Gastronomie Pratique, Ali Bab gave a playful recipe for a “Symphony of Eggs” — a four-egg omelet containing two chopped hard-cooked and six whole poached eggs.
The Industrial Egg
Hen Fever The chicken underwent more evolutionary change between 1850 and 1900 than it had in its entire lifetime as a species, and under an unusual selection pressure: the fascination of Europeans and Americans with the exotic East. A political opening between England and China brought specimens of previously unknown Chinese breeds, the large, showy Cochins, to the West. These spectacular birds, so different from the run of the barnyard, touched off a chicken-breeding craze comparable to the Dutch tulip mania of the 17th century. During this “hen fever,” as one observer of the American scene called it, poultry shows were very popular and hundreds of new breeds were developed.
Roman Custards, Savory and Sweet
Patina of Soles
Beat and clean the soles and put in patina [a shallow pan]. Throw in oil, liquamen [fish sauce], wine. While the dish cooks, pound and rub pepper, lovage, oregano; pour in some of the cooking liquid, add raw eggs, and make into one mass. Pour over the soles and cook on a slow fire. When the dish has come together, sprinkle with pepper and serve.
“Cheese” Patina
Measure out enough milk for your pan, mix with honey as for other milk dishes, add five eggs for [a pint], three for [a half-pint]. Mix them in the milk until they make one mass, strain into a dish from Cuma, and cook over a slow fire. When it is ready, sprinkle with pepper and serve.
— from Apicius, first few centuries CE
Ordinary farm stock was also improved. Just a few decades after its arrival in the United States from Tuscany around 1830, descendents of the White Leghorn emerged as the champion layers. Versions of the Cornish, itself the offshoot of Asiatic fighting breeds, were deemed the best meat birds; and the Plymouth Rock and Rhode Island Red, whose eggs are brown, were bred as dual-purpose chickens. As interest in the show birds faded, the egg and meat breeds became ever more dominant. Today, an egg or meat chicken is usually the product of four purebred grandparents. Nearly all of the diversity generated in the 1800s has disappeared. Among industrialized countries, only France and Australia have remained independent of the handful of multinational corporations that provide laying stock to the egg industry.
Mass Production The 20th century saw the general farm lose its poultry shed to the poultry farm or ranch, which has in turn been split up into separate hatcheries and meat and egg factories. Economies of scale dictate that production units be as large as possible — one caretaker can manage a flock of 100,000, and many ranches now have a million or more laying hens. Today’s typical layer is born in an incubator, eats a diet that originates largely in the laboratory, lives and lays on wire and under lights for about a year, and produces between 250 and 290 eggs. As Page Smith and Charles Daniel put it in their Chicken Book, the chicken is no longer “a lively creature but merely an element in an industrial process whose product [is] the egg.”
A Medieval Omelet and English Cream
Arboulastre (An Omelet)
[First prepare mixed herbs, including rue, tansy, mint, sage, marjoram, fennel, parsley, violet leaves, spinach, lettuce, clary, ginger.] Then have seven eggs well beaten together, yolks and whites, and mix with the herbs. Then divide in two and make two allumelles, which are fried in the following manner. First you heat your frying pan well with oil, butter, or whatever fat you like. When it is well heated, especially toward the handle, mix and cast your eggs upon the pan, and turn frequently with a paddle over and under; then throw some good grated cheese on top. Know that it is done thus because if you mix the cheese with the eggs and herbs, when you fry the allumelle, the cheese that is underneath sticks to the pan…. And when your herbs are fried in the pan, shape your arboulastre into a square or round form, and eat it neither too hot nor too cold.
— Le Ménagier de Paris, ca. 1390
Poche to Potage (Poached Eggs in Crème Anglaise)
Take eggs and break them into boiling water, and let them seethe, and when they are done take them out, and take milk and yolks of eggs, and beat them well together, and put them in a pot; and add sugar or honey, and color it with saffron, and let it seethe; and at the first boil take it off, and cast therein powder of ginger, and dress the cooked eggs in dishes, and pour the pottage above, and serve it forth.
— from a manuscript published in Antiquitates Culinariae, 1791 (ca. 1400)
Benefits and Costs The industrialization of the chicken has brought benefits, and these shouldn’t be underestimated. A pound of broiler can now be produced from less than two pounds of feed, a pound of eggs from less than three, so both chickens and eggs are bargains among animal foods. Egg quality has also improved. City and country dwellers alike enjoy fresher, more uniform eggs than formerly, when small-farm hens ran free and laid in odd places, and when spring eggs were stored until winter in limewater or waterglass (see p. 115). Refrigeration alone has made a tremendous difference. Year-round laying (made possible by controlled lighting and temperature), prompt gathering and cooling, and daily shipping by rapid, refrigerated transport mean that good eggs deteriorate much less between hen and cook than they did in the more relaxed, more humane past.
There are drawbacks to the industrial egg. While average quality has improved, people who pay close attention to eggs say that flavor has suffered: that the chicken’s natural, varied diet of grains, leaves, and bugs provides a richness that the commercial soy and fish meals don’t. (This difference has proven hard to document in taste tests; see p. 87.) In addition, mass husbandry has played a role in the rising incidence of salmonella contamination. “Spent” hens are often recycled into feed for the next generation of layers, so that salmonella infection is readily spread by careless processing. Finally, there is a more difficult question: whether we can enjoy good, cheap eggs more humanely, without reducing descendents of the spirited jungle fowl to biological machines that never see the sun, scratch in the dust, or have more than an inch or two to move.
Freer Range? Enough people have become uncomfortable with the excesses of industrialization, and willing to pay a substantial premium for their eggs, that smaller-scale, “free-range” and “organically fed” laying flocks have made a comeback in the United States and Europe. Swiss law now requires that all hens in that country have free access to the outdoors. The term “free-range” can be misleading; it sometimes means only that the chickens live in a slightly larger cage than usual, or have brief access to the outdoors. Still, with people eating fewer eggs in the home, spending so little on those eggs, and paying more attention to what they eat, the odds are good that this modest de-industrialization of the egg will continue.
Egg Biology
and Chemistry
How the Hen Makes an Egg
The egg is so familiar that we seldom remember to marvel at its making. All animals work hard at the business of reproduction, but the hen does more than most. Her “reproductive effort,” defined as the fraction of body weight that an animal deposits daily in her potential offspring, is 100 times greater than a human’s. Each egg is about 3% of the hen’s weight, so in a year of laying, she converts about eight times her body weight into eggs. A quarter of her daily energy expenditure goes toward egg-making; a duck puts in half.
The chicken egg begins with the pinhead-sized white disc that we see riding atop the yellow yolk. This is the business end of the egg, the living germ cell that contains the hen’s chromosomes. A hen is born with several thousand microscopic germ cells in her single ovary.
Making the Yolk As the hen grows, her germ cells gradually reach a few millimeters in diameter, and after two or three months accumulate a white, primordial form of yolk inside their thin surrounding membrane. (The white yolk can be seen in a hard-cooked egg; see box, p. 74.) When the hen reaches laying age at between four and six months, the egg cells begin to mature, with different cells at different stages at any given time. Full maturation takes about ten weeks. During the tenth, the germ cell rapidly accumulates yellow yolk, mostly fats and proteins, which is synthesized in the hen’s liver. Its color depends on the pigments in the hen’s feed; a diet rich in corn or alfalfa makes a deeper yellow. If the hen feeds only once or twice a day, her yolk will show distinct layers of dark and light. In the end, the yolk comes to dwarf the germ cell, containing as it must the provisions for 21 days during which the chick will develop on its own.
Making the White The rest of the egg provides both nourishment and protective housing for the germ cell. Its construction takes about 25 hours and begins when the ovary releases the completed yolk. The yolk is then gripped by the funnel-shaped opening of the oviduct, a tube 2–3 feet/0.6–0.9 meter long. If the hen has mated in recent days, there will be sperm stored in a “nest” at the upper end of the oviduct, and one will fuse with the egg cell. Fertilized or not — and most eggs are not — the yolk spends two to three hours slowly passing down the upper end of the oviduct. Protein-secreting cells in the oviduct lining add a thickening layer to its membrane, and then coat it with about half the final volume of the egg white, or albumen (from the Latin albus, meaning “white”). They apply this portion of albumen in four layers that are alternately thick and thin in consistency.
The first thick layer of albumen protein is twisted by spiraling grooves in the oviduct wall to form the chalazae (from the Greek for “small lump,” “hailstone”), two dense, slightly elastic cords which anchor the yolk to the ends of the shell and allow it to rotate while suspending it in the middle of the egg. This system keeps as much cushioning albumen as possible between the embryo and the shell, and prevents premature contact between shell and embryo, which could distort the embryo’s development.
Membranes, Water, and Shell Once the albumen proteins have been applied to the yolk, it spends an hour in the next section of the oviduct being loosely enclosed in two tough, antimicrobial protein membranes that are attached to each other everywhere except for one end, where the air pocket will later develop to supply the hatching chick with its first gulps of air. Then comes a long stretch — 19 or 20 hours — in the 2-inch-/5-cm-long uterus, or shell gland. For five hours, cells in the uterus wall pump water and salts through the membranes and into the albumen and “plump” the egg to its full volume. When the membranes are taut, the uterine lining secretes calcium carbonate and protein to form the shell, a process that takes about 14 hours. Since the embryo needs air, the shell is riddled (especially at the blunt end) with some 10,000 pores that add up to a hole about 2 mm in diameter.
Germ-Side Up: Primordial Yolk
Have you ever noticed that when you crack open a raw egg, the germ cell — the pinhead-sized white disc that carries the hen’s DNA — usually comes to the top of the yolk? It does so because the channel of primordial white yolk below it is less dense than the yellow yolk — so the egg cell’s side of the yolk is lighter, and rises. In the intact egg, the chalazae allow the germ cell to return to the top whenever the hen rearranges her eggs.
That persistent bit of uncoagulated yolk at the center of a hard-cooked egg is primordial white yolk, especially rich in iron, which the hen deposits in its eggs when they’re barely a quarter-inch/6 mm in diameter.
Cuticle and Color The hen’s finishing touch on her egg is a thin proteinaceous cuticle. This coating initially plugs up the pores to slow water loss and block the entry of bacteria, but gradually fractures to allow the chick to get enough oxygen. Along with the cuticle comes color, in the form of chemical relatives of hemoglobin. Egg color is determined by the hen’s genetic background, and has no relation to the egg’s taste or nutritional value. Leghorns lay very lightly pigmented “white” eggs. Brown eggs are produced by breeds that were originally dual-purpose egg and meat birds, including Rhode Island Reds and Plymouth Rocks; New Hampshire and Australorps hens were bred for intensive brown-egg production. Chinese Cochin hens paint their eggs with fine yellow dots. Thanks to a dominant trait unknown in any other wild or domestic chickens, the rare Chilean Araucana lays blue eggs. Crosses between Araucanas and brown-egg breeds make both blue and brown pigments and thus green shells.
The completed egg is expelled blunt end first about 25 hours after leaving the ovary. As the egg cools down from the hen’s high body temperature (106ºF/41ºC), its contents shrink slightly. This contraction pulls the inner shell membrane away from its outer partner at the blunt end and thereby forms the air space, whose size is an indicator of egg freshness (p. 81).
The Yolk
The yolk accounts for just over a third of a shelled egg’s weight, and its biological purpose is almost exclusively nutritive. It carries three-quarters of the calories and most of the iron, thiamin, and vitamin A of the egg as a whole. The yolk’s yellow color comes not from the vitamin-A precursor beta-carotene, the orange pigment in carrots and other plant foods, but from plant pigments called xanthophylls (p. 267), which the hen obtains mainly from alfalfa and corn feeds. Producers may supplement the feeds with marigold petals and other additives to deepen the color. Duck yolks owe their deeper orange color both to beta-carotene and to the reddish pigment canthaxanthin, which wild ducks obtain from small water insects and crustaceans, egg-laying ducks from feed supplements. One minor component of the yolk that can cause a major culinary disaster is the starch-digesting enzyme amylase, which has liquefied many a normal-looking pie filling from within (see p. 98).
Spheres Within Spheres That’s a yolk by numbers and nutrients. But there’s a lot more to this concentrated pool of the sun’s rays. Its structure is intricate, much like a Chinese set of nested spheres carved from a single block of jade. We see the first layer of structure whenever we cut into a hard-cooked egg. Where heat gels the white into a smooth, continuous mass, the yolk sets into a crumbly mass of separate particles. The intact yolk turns out to consist of spherical compartments about a tenth of a millimeter across, each contained within a flexible membrane, and so tightly packed that they’re distorted into flat-sided shapes (much like the oil droplets that egg yolk stabilizes in mayonnaise; see p. 626). When a yolk is cooked intact, these spheres harden into individual particles and give the yolk its characteristic crumbly texture. But break the yolk out before you cook it so that the spheres can move freely, and it becomes less granular.
The structure of the hen’s egg. The egg white provides physical and chemical protection for the living germ cell, and protein and water for its development into a chick. The yolk is rich in fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals. The layering of color in the yolk is caused by the hen’s periodic ingestion of grain and its fat-soluble pigments.
What’s inside these large yolk spheres? Though we think of the yolk as rich and fatty, in fact its chambers are filled mostly with water. Floating in that water are sub-spheres about one hundredth the size of the spheres. The subspheres are too small to see with the naked eye or to be broken up by a kitchen beating. But they can be seen indirectly, and disrupted chemically. Yolk is cloudy because these subspheres are large enough to deflect light and prevent it from passing through the yolk directly. Add a pinch of salt to a yolk (as you do when making mayonnaise) and you’ll see the yolk become simultaneously clearer and thicker. Salt breaks apart the light-deflecting sub-spheres into components that are too small to deflect light — and so the yolk clears up.
And what do the subspheres contain? A mixture similar to the liquid that surrounds them in the spheres. First, water. Dissolved in the water, proteins: hen blood proteins outside the subspheres; inside, phosphorus-rich proteins that bind up most of the egg’s iron supply. And suspended in the water, sub subspheres about 40 times smaller than the subspheres, some of which turn out to be familiar from the human body. The subsubspheres are aggregates of four different kinds of molecules: a core of fat surrounded by a protective shell of protein, cholesterol, and phospholipid, a hybrid fat-water mediator which in the egg is mainly lecithin. Most of these subsubspheres are “low-density lipoproteins,” or LDLs — essentially the same particles that we keep track of in our own blood to monitor our cholesterol levels.
Stand back from all these spheres within spheres and the picture becomes less dizzying. The yolk is a bag of water that contains free-floating proteins and protein-fat-cholesterol-lecithin aggregates — and these lipoprotein aggregates are what give the yolk its remarkable capacities for emulsifying and enriching.
An egg yolk granule as seen through the electron microscope. It has fallen apart after immersion in a salt solution, and is an intricate assembly of proteins, fats, phospholipids, and cholesterol.
The White
Next to the yolk’s riches, the white seems colorless and bland. It accounts for nearly two thirds of the egg’s shelled weight, but nearly 90% of that is water. The rest is protein, with only traces of minerals, fatty material, vitamins (riboflavin gives the raw white a slightly yellow-green cast) and glucose. The quarter-gram of glucose, which is essential for the embryo’s early growth, isn’t enough to sweeten the white, though in such preparations as long-cooked eggs (p. 89) and thousand-year preserved eggs (p. 116) it’s sufficient to turn the white a dramatic brown. The white’s structural interest is limited to the fact that it comes in two consistencies, thick and thin, with the yolk cords being a twisted version of the thick.
Protective Proteins Pale though it is, the egg white has surprising depths. Of course it supplies the developing embryo with essential water and protein. But biochemical studies have revealed that the albumen proteins are not mere baby food. At least four of the proteins block the action of digestive enzymes. At least three bind tightly to vitamins, which prevents them from being useful to other creatures, and one does the same for iron, an essential mineral for bacteria and animals alike. One protein inhibits the reproduction of viruses, and another digests the cell walls of bacteria. In sum, the egg white is first of all a chemical shield against infection and predation, forged during millions of years of battling between the nourishing egg and a world of hungry microbes and animals.
The Proteins in Egg White
Protein | Percent of Total Albumen Protein |
Ovalbumin | 54 |
Ovotransferrin | 12 |
Ovomucoid | 11 |
Globulins | 8 |
Lysozyme | 3.5 |
Ovomucin | 1.5 |
Avidin | 0.06 |
Others | 10 |
Protein | Natural Functions |
Ovalbumin | Nourishment; blocks digestive enzymes? |
Ovotransferrin | Binds iron |
Ovomucoid | Blocks digestive enzymes |
Globulins | Plug defects in membranes, shell? |
Lysozyme | Enzyme that digests bacterial cell walls |
Ovomucin | Thickens albumen; inhibits viruses |
Avidin | Binds vitamin (biotin) |
Others | Bind vitamins (2+); block digestive enzymes (3+)… |
Protein | Culinary Properties |
Ovalbumin | Sets when heated to 180ºF/80ºC |
Ovotransferrin | Sets when heated to 140ºF/60ºC or foamed |
Ovomucoid | ? |
Globulins | Sets when heated to 170ºF/75ºC; stabilizes foam |
Lysozyme | Enzyme that digests bacterial cell walls |
Ovomucin | Stabilizes foam |
Avidin | ? |
Others | ? |
A few of the dozen or so egg-white proteins are especially important for the cook and worth knowing by name.
- Ovomucin accounts for less than 2% of the total albumen protein, but has by far the greatest influence on the fresh egg’s commercial and culinary value. It makes fried and poached eggs compact and attractive by making the thick white thick — 40 times more so than the thin white. Ovomucin somehow pulls together the otherwise soupy protein solution into an organized structure; gently tear a piece of hard-cooked white and you can see its laminations along the edge of the tear. This structure is thought to help cushion the yolk and slow the penetration of microbes through the white. It gradually disintegrates with age in the raw egg, which may make the white more digestible for the developing chick, and certainly makes the egg less useful for the cook.
- Ovalbumin, the most plentiful egg protein, was the first protein ever crystallized in the laboratory (in 1890), yet its natural function remains unclear. It seems related to a family of proteins that inhibit protein-digesting enzymes, and may be a mainly nutritional relic of ancient battles against a now-extinct microbe. It is the only egg protein to have reactive sulfur groups, which make decisive contributions to the flavor, texture, and color of cooked eggs. Interestingly for the cook, ovalbumin’s heat resistance increases for several days after laying, so that very fresh eggs need less cooking for a given consistency than eggs a few days old.
- Ovotransferrin holds tightly onto iron atoms to prevent bacteria from using them, and to transport iron in the developing chick’s body. It is the first protein to coagulate when an egg is heated, and so determines the temperature at which eggs set. The setting temperature is higher for whole eggs than for egg white, because ovotransferrin becomes more stable and resistant to coagulation when it binds the abundant iron in the yolk. The color of ovotransferrin changes when it latches onto metals, which is why egg whites whipped in a copper bowl turn golden; you can also make a pink meringue by dosing the whites with a pinch of ground-up iron supplement.
The Nutritional Value of Eggs
An egg contains everything you need to make a chick, all the ingredients and chemical machinery and fuel. That fact is its strength as a food. Cooked — to neutralize the protective antinutritional proteins — the egg is one of the most nutritious foods we have. (Raw, it causes laboratory animals to lose weight.) It’s unmatched as a balanced source of the amino acids necessary for animal life; it includes a plentiful supply of linoleic acid, a polyunsaturated fatty acid that’s essential in the human diet, as well as of several minerals, most vitamins, and two plant pigments, lutein and zeaxanthin, that are especially valuable antioxidants (p. 255). The egg is a rich package.
Cholesterol in Eggs Too rich for our blood, it’s been thought: a belief that contributed to the steep drop in U.S. egg consumption beginning around 1950. Among our common foods, the egg is the richest source of cholesterol. One large egg contains around 215 milligrams, while an equivalent portion of meat has about 50.
Why is there so much cholesterol in the egg? Because it’s an essential component of animal cell membranes, of which the chicken embryo must construct many millions before it hatches. There is some variability in the cholesterol contents of different breeds, and the hen’s diet has some effect — a feed high in sitosterol, a vegetable relative of cholesterol, brings egg cholesterol down by a third. But these reductions still leave egg yolk way ahead of most other foods.
Since high blood cholesterol does increase the risk of heart disease, many medical associations have long recommended limiting our yolk consumption to two or three per week. However, recent studies of moderate eaters have shown that egg consumption has little influence on blood cholesterol. This is partly because blood cholesterol is raised far more powerfully by saturated fats in the diet than by cholesterol itself, and most of the fat in egg yolk is unsaturated. It also appears that other fatty substances in the yolk, the phospholipids, interfere with our absorption of yolk cholesterol. So there no longer seems to be any reason to bother counting our weekly yolks. Of course, eggs shouldn’t displace positively heart-protective fruits and vegetables from the diet; and on a strict regimen to deal with serious heart disease or obesity, it may make sense to avoid egg yolks along with similarly fatty animal foods. Better than 60% of the calories in a whole egg come from fat, a third of them from saturated fat.
Egg Substitutes Largely impelled by the public desire for cholesterol-free eggs, food manufacturers have come up with formulations that imitate whole beaten eggs, and can be cooked into scrambled eggs or omelets or used in baking. These products consist of genuine egg whites mixed with an imitation of the yolk, which is usually made from vegetable oil, milk solids, gums that provide a thick consistency, as well as colorings, flavorings, and vitamin and mineral supplements.
Fertilized Eggs Despite folklore to the contrary, there is no detectable nutritional difference between unfertilized and fertilized eggs. By the time a fertilized egg is laid, the single germ cell has divided into tens of thousands of cells, but its diameter has only grown from 3.5 millimeters to 4.5, and any biochemical changes are negligible. Refrigerated storage prevents any further growth or development. In the U.S. grading system, any significant development of the egg — from minute blood vessels (which appear after two to three days of incubation) to a recognizable embryo — is considered a major defect, and automatically puts it in the “inedible” category. Of course this is a cultural judgment. In China and the Philippines, for example, duck eggs containing two- to three-week embryos are boiled and eaten, in part for their supposed contribution to virility. Because embryos obtain some nourishment from the shell, these duck embryos do contain more calcium than the eggs that they developed from.
The Composition of a U.S. Large Egg
A shelled U.S. Large egg weighs 2 ounces, or 55 grams. In the following table, all weights are given in grams (g) or thousandths of a gram (mg). Fat accounts for about 60% of the calories in an egg, saturated fat around 20%.
Whole Egg | Egg White | Egg Yolk |
Weight | 55 g | 38 g | 17 g |
Protein | 6.6 g | 3.9 g | 2.7 g |
Carbohydrate | 0.6 g | 0.3 g | 0.3 g |
Fat | 6 g | 0 | 6 g |
Monounsaturated | 2.5 g | 0 | 2.5 g |
Polyunsaturated | 0.7 g | 0 | 0.7 g |
Saturated | 2 g | 0 | 2 g |
Cholesterol | 213 mg | 0 | 213 mg |
Sodium | 71 mg | 62 mg | 9 mg |
Calories | 84 | 20 | 64 |
Egg Allergies Eggs are one of the commonest foods to which people develop food allergies. Portions of the major egg-white protein ovalbumin appear to be the usual culprits. The immune system of sensitive people interprets these parts of ovalbumin to be a threat, and mounts a massive and self-destructive defense that can take the form of fatal shock. Since a sensitivity to egg white often forms in early life, pediatricians commonly recommend that children not eat egg whites until after the age of one. Egg yolks are far less allergenic and can safely be eaten by nearly all infants.
Egg Quality, Handling,
and Safety
What is a good egg? An intact, uncontaminated egg with a strong shell; a firm yolk and yolk membrane, which prevents the yolk from breaking and mixing with the white; and a high proportion of cohesive, jellylike thick white compared to runny thin white.
And what makes a good egg? Above all, a good hen: a hen of a select laying breed that is healthy and not approaching the end of a laying year, when shells and whites deteriorate (this stage is shortened by restricting the hen’s food, which induces her to molt and reset her biological clock). A nutritious feed, free of contaminants, and without ingredients (fish meal, raw soy meal) that impart off-flavors. And careful evaluation and handling once the egg leaves the hen.
In order to determine egg quality without actually breaking them, producers candle their eggs, or place them in front of a light bright enough to pass through them and illuminate their contents. (Candle and eye were the original equipment; today electric lights and scanners do the work automatically.) Candling readily detects cracks in the shell, harmless but unappealing blood spots on the yolk (from burst capillaries in the hen’s ovary or yolk sac), and “meat spots” in the whites (either brown blood spots or tiny bits of tissue sloughed off from the oviduct wall), and large air cells, all characteristics that relegate an egg to the lower grades. To determine the condition of the yolk and white, the egg is quickly twirled. The yolk’s shadow will remain indistinct if its membrane is strong enough and the white thick enough to have kept it from getting close to the shell. If the yolk is easy to see, then it’s too easily deformed or mobile, and the egg is of lower quality.
Egg Grades
Eggs sold in stores are usually (but not mandatorily) classified by United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) grades. Egg grade has nothing to do with either freshness or size, and is not a guarantee of egg quality in your kitchen. It’s an approximate indication of the quality of the egg back at the ranch, at the time it was collected. Because candling isn’t foolproof, USDA definitions allow several eggs per carton to be below grade at the time of packing. Once the eggs have arrived in stores, the below-grade allowance doubles, because egg quality naturally declines with time, and jostling and vibration during transport can cause the white to thin out.
Generally, only the two top grades, AA and A, are seen in stores. If you’re going to use eggs fairly soon and will be scrambling them or making a custard or pancakes, then the higher grade isn’t worth the higher price. But if you go through eggs slowly, or like your hard-boiled yolks well centered and your poached and fried eggs neat and compact, or are planning to make a meringue, soufflé, or egg-leavened cake, then you may be better off with the premium grade, with its thicker white and a yolk membrane less likely to leak foam-lowering yolk into the white.
In any case, the quality of a carton of eggs depends mainly on how old they are. Even Grade AA eggs eventually develop flat yolks and thin whites. So be sure to check the sell-by date stamped on the carton (usually four weeks from the packing date; sometimes the pack date itself is indicated by a single number from 1 to 365), and choose the carton with the latest date. Fresh grade A eggs can be a better buy than old grade AA.
Deterioration in Egg Quality
Designed as it was to protect itself for the duration of the chick’s development, the egg is unique among our raw animal foods in its ability to remain edible for weeks, as long as it’s kept intact and cool. Even so, the moment the egg leaves the hen, it begins to deteriorate in important ways. There is a fundamental chemical change: both the yolk and the white get more alkaline (less acidic) with time. This is because the egg contains carbon dioxide, which takes the form of carbonic acid when it’s dissolved in the white and yolk, but is slowly lost in its gaseous form through the pores in the shell. The pH scale provides a measure of acidity and alkalinity (p. 795). On the pH scale, the yolk rises from a slightly acidic pH of 6.0 to a nearly neutral 6.6, while the albumen goes from a somewhat alkaline 7.7 to a very alkaline 9.2 and sometimes higher.
This alkalinization of the white has highly visible consequences. Because albumen proteins at the pH of a fresh egg tend to cluster in masses large enough to deflect light rays, the white of a fresh egg is indeed cloudily white. In more alkaline conditions these proteins repel each other rather than cluster, so the white of an older egg tends to be clear, not cloudy. And the white gets progressively more runny with time: the proportion of thick albumen to thin, initially about 60% to 40%, falls below 50–50.
The relatively minor change in yolk acidity is less important than a simple physical change. The yolk starts out with more dissolved molecules than the white, and this osmotic imbalance creates a natural pressure for water in the white to migrate across the yolk membrane. At refrigerator temperatures, about 5 milligrams of water cross into the yolk each day. This influx causes the yolk to swell, which stretches and weakens the yolk membrane. And the added water thins the yolk dramatically.
A Home Test Finally, the egg as a whole also loses moisture through its porous shell, so the contents of the egg shrink, and the air cell at the wide end expands. Even an oil-coated egg in a humid refrigerator loses 4 milligrams of water to evaporation each day. The cook can use this moisture loss to estimate the freshness of an egg. A new egg with an air space less than 1/8 inch/3 mm deep is denser than water and will sink to the bottom of a bowl of water. As an egg ages and its air cell expands, it gets progressively less dense, and the wide end of the egg rises higher and higher in the water. An egg that actually floats is very old and should be discarded. Around 1750, the English cookbook author Hannah Glasse gave two ways of determining the freshness of an egg, an important talent at a time when it might have been sitting for some time in an odd corner of the yard. One is to feel how warm it is — probably less than reliable — but the second indirectly assays the air cell: “[Another way] to know a good egg, is to put the egg into a pan of cold water; the fresher the egg the sooner it will fall to the bottom; if rotten, it will swim at the top.”
Three different grades of eggs. The AA egg has a high proportion of thick white and a firm, rounded yolk. The A egg has a less thick albumen and a weaker yolk membrane, so it spreads more when cracked into a pan. The B egg spreads even further, and its yolk membrane is easily broken.
All of these trends are probably part of the normal development of the egg. The increase in alkalinity makes the albumen even less hospitable to invading bacteria and molds. The thinning of the albumen allows the yolk to rise and the embryo to approach the shell, its early source of oxygen, and may make it easier for the embryo to tap the shell’s calcium stores. A weaker yolk membrane could mean an easier attachment to the shell membranes. And the larger air cell gives the chick more oxygen for its first few breaths.
These changes may be good for the chick, but they’re mostly bad for the cook. A thinner white is runnier in the pan; a flabby yolk membrane is more likely to break when the egg is cracked open; and a large air cell means an irregular shape for a whole hard-cooked egg. The only culinary benefit to an older egg is that it’s easier to peel.
Handling and Storing Eggs
Producers handle eggs in ways that are meant to slow down the inevitable deterioration in quality. Eggs are gathered as shortly after laying as possible and immediately cooled. In the United States, they are then washed in warm water and detergent to remove the thousands of bacteria deposited on the shell during its passage through the hen’s cloacal opening. In the past, the washed eggs were given a fresh coat of mineral oil to retard the loss of both CO2 and moisture; today, with most eggs getting to market just two days after laying and refrigerated during shipping as well as storage, oiling is limited to long haul delivery routes.
Egg Storage at Home: Cold, Still, Sealed Egg quality deteriorates as much in a day at room temperature as in four days under refrigeration, and salmonella bacteria (p. 83) multiply much faster at room temperature. So it’s best to buy your eggs cold — out of the cooler, not off an open shelf — and keep them cold. Agitation thins the white, so an inner refrigerator shelf is preferable to the door. An airtight container is better than the standard loose carton at slowing moisture loss and the absorption of odors from other foods, although it accentuates the stale flavor that gradually develops in the eggs themselves. Bought fresh and treated with care, eggs should keep for several weeks in the shell. Once broken open, they’re far more susceptible to spoilage and should be used promptly or frozen.
Storage Position
Does it make a difference what posture we store our eggs in? Studies in the 1950s found albumen quality to decline more slowly in eggs stored blunt end up, and many states adopted this as the official position for packing egg cartons. Studies in the 1960s and ’70s, when retailers began to stack the cartons on their side to display the top label, found that posture doesn’t affect albumen quality. Eggs that are stored on their sides give somewhat better-centered yolks when hard-cooked, perhaps because both yolk cords fight equally against gravity.
Freezing Eggs Eggs can be stored frozen for several months in airtight containers. Remove them from the shell, which would shatter, as its contents expand during freezing. Allow some room for expansion in the containers, and press plastic wrap onto the surface to prevent freezer burn (see p. 146) before covering with a lid. Whites freeze fairly well; they lose only a modest amount of their foaming power. Yolks and blended whole eggs, however, require special treatment. Frozen as is, they thaw to a pasty consistency and can no longer be readily combined with other ingredients. Thoroughly mixing the yolks with either salt, sugar, or acid will prevent the yolk proteins from aggregating, and leaves the thawed mixture fluid enough to mix. Yolks require 1 teaspoon salt, 1 tablespoon sugar, or 4 tablespoons lemon juice per pint (respectively 5 gm, 15 gm, or 60 ml per half liter), and whole eggs half these amounts. The equivalent of a U.S. Large egg is 3 tablespoons whole egg, or 2 tablespoons white and 1 tablespoon yolk.
The Salmonella Problem
Beginning around 1985, a hitherto minor bacterium called Salmonella enteritidis was identified as the culprit in growing numbers of food poisonings in continental Europe, Scandinavia, Great Britain, and North America. Salmonella can cause diarrhea or more serious chronic infection of other body organs. Most of these outbreaks were associated with the consumption of raw or lightly cooked eggs. Further investigation demonstrated that even intact, clean, Grade A eggs can harbor large numbers of salmonella. In the early 1990s, U.S. health authorities estimated that perhaps one egg in 10,000 carried this particularly virulent form of salmonella. Thanks to a variety of preventive measures, the prevalence of contaminated eggs is now much lower — but it’s not zero.
Precautions Until the day of the certified salmonella-free egg, all cooks should know how to minimize the risk to themselves and to others, particularly the very young and very old and people with weakened immune systems. The best way to reduce the already small chance of using a badly contaminated egg is to buy only refrigerated eggs and to speed them into your own refrigerator. Cook all egg dishes sufficiently to kill any bacteria that might be present. This generally means holding a temperature of at least 140ºF/60ºC for 5 minutes, or 160ºF/70ºC for 1 minute. Egg yolks will remain runny at the first temperature, but will harden at the second. For many lightly cooked egg dishes — soft-boiled and poached eggs, for example, and the yolk-based sauces — it’s possible to modify traditional recipes so as to eliminate any salmonella that might be present (see box, p. 91).
Pasteurized Eggs Three safer alternatives to fresh eggs are eggs pasteurized in the shell, liquid eggs, and dried egg whites, all of which are available in supermarkets. Intact eggs, blended whole eggs, or separated yolks and whites can all be pasteurized by careful heating to temperatures between 130 and 140ºF/55–60ºC, just below the range in which the egg proteins begin to coagulate. Dried egg whites, which are reconstituted in water to make lightly cooked meringues, can be pasteurized either before or after the drying. For most uses, these products do an adequate job of replacing fresh eggs, though there is usually some loss in foaming or emulsifying power and in stability to further heating; and heating and drying do alter the mild egg flavor.
The Chemistry of Egg
Cooking: How Eggs Get
Hard and Custards Thicken
The most commonplace procedures involving eggs are also some of the most astonishing kitchen magic. You begin with a slippery, runny liquid, do nothing more than add heat, and presto: the liquid rapidly stiffens into a solid that you can cut with a knife. No other ingredient is as readily and drastically transformed as is the egg. This is the key to its great versatility, both on its own and as a structure builder in complex mixtures.
To what does the egg owe its constructive powers? The answer is simple: to its proteins and their innate capacity to bond to each other.
Protein Coagulation
Pulling Proteins Together… The raw egg begins as a liquid because both yolk and white are essentially bags of water containing dispersed protein molecules, with water molecules outnumbering proteins 1,000 to 1. As molecules go, a single protein is huge. It consists of thousands of atoms bonded together into a long chain. The chain is folded up into a compact wad whose shape is maintained by bonds between neighboring folds of the chain. In the chemical environment of the egg white, most of the protein molecules accumulate a negative electrical charge and repel each other, while in the yolk, some proteins repel each other and some are bound up in fat-protein packages. So the proteins in a raw egg mostly remain compact and separate from one another as they float in the water.
When we heat the egg, all its molecules move faster and faster, collide with each other harder and harder, and eventually begin to break the bonds that hold the long protein chains in their compact, folded shape. The proteins unfold, tangle with each other, and bond to each other into a kind of three-dimensional network. There’s still much more water than protein, but the water is now divided up among countless little pockets in the continuous protein network, so it can’t flow together any more. The liquid egg thus becomes a moist solid. And because the large protein molecules have clustered together densely enough to deflect light rays, the initially transparent egg albumen becomes opaque.
How heat solidifies a liquid egg. Egg proteins begin as folded chains of amino acids (left) . As they’re heated, their increased motion breaks some bonds, and the chains unfold (center). The unfolded proteins then begin to bond to each other. This results in a continuous meshwork of long molecules (right) , and a moist but solid egg.
The other treatments that cause egg to firm up — pickling them in acid or salt, beating them into a foam — work in the same basic way, by overcoming the proteins’ aloofness and encouraging them to bond to each other. When you combine treatments — adding both acid and heat, for example — you can achieve a whole range of consistencies and appearances, depending on the degree of protein unfolding and bonding: from tough to delicate, dry to moist, lumpy to jellylike, opaque to clear.
…But Not Too Close In nearly every egg dish we make, we want to bond a liquid — the egg alone or a mixture of eggs and other liquids — into a moist, delicate solid. Overcooking either gives the dish a rubbery texture or else curdles it into a mixture of hard lumps and watery liquid. Why? Because it bonds the proteins too exclusively to each other and squeezes out the water from the protein network. This is why it is that boiled or fried eggs lose water in the form of steam and get rubbery, while mixtures of eggs and other liquids separate into two phases, the added water and the solid lumps of protein.
The key to cooking egg dishes, then, is to avoid overcooking them and carrying coagulation too far. Above all, this means temperature control. For tender, succulent results, egg dishes should be cooked only just to the temperature at which their proteins coagulate, which is always well below the boiling point, 212ºF/100ºC. The exact temperature depends on the mixture of ingredients, but is usually higher than the temperature needed to kill bacteria and make the dish safe. (Warm but still liquid yolk is another story; see p. 91). Generally, plain undiluted eggs coagulate at the lowest temperatures. Egg white begins to thicken at 145ºF/63ºC and becomes a tender solid when it reaches 150ºF/65ºC. This solidification is due mainly to the most heat-sensitive protein, ovotransferrin, even though it’s only 12% of the total protein. The major albumen protein, ovalbumin, doesn’t coagulate until about 180ºF/80ºC, at which temperature the tender white gets much firmer. (The last albumen protein to coagulate is heat-resistant ovomucin, which is why the ovomucin-rich yolk cords remain liquid in scrambled eggs long after the rest has set.) The yolk proteins begin to thicken at 150ºF and set at 158ºF/70ºC, and whole egg — the yolk and white mixed together — sets around 165ºF/73ºC.
The Effects of Added Ingredients Eggs are often combined with other ingredients, from a sprinkling of salt or lemon juice, to spoonsful of sugar or cream, to cups of milk or brandy. Each of these additions affects egg-protein coagulation and the dish’s consistency.
The dilution of egg proteins in a custard. Left: An egg is rich in proteins; when unfolded by cooking, they are numerous enough to form a firm solid network. Center: When mixed with milk or cream, whose proteins don’t coagulate with heat, the egg proteins are greatly diluted. Right: When a custard mix is cooked, the egg proteins unfold and form a solid meshwork, but that meshwork is open and fragile, and the custard’s consistency is delicate.
Milk, Cream, and Sugar Dilute, Delay, and Tenderize When we dilute eggs with other liquids, we raise the temperature at which thickening begins. Dilution surrounds the protein molecules with many more water molecules, and the proteins must be hotter and moving around more rapidly in order to find and bond to each other at a noticeable rate. Sugar also raises the thickening temperature, and for the same reason: its molecules dilute the proteins. A tablespoon of sugar surrounds each protein molecule in a one-egg dish with a screen of several thousand sucrose molecules. Combine the diluting effects of water, sugar, and milk fat, and a custard mix containing a cup of milk, a tablespoon of sugar, and an egg begins to thicken not at 160ºF/70ºC, but at 175 or 180ºF/78–80ºC. And because the protein network is stretched out into such a large volume — in a custard, the proteins from a single egg have to embrace not three tablespoons of liquid but 18 or 20! — the coagulum is far more delicate, and easily disrupted by overheating. At the extreme, in a concoction like eggnog or the Dutch brandy drink advocaat, the egg proteins are so diluted that they can’t possibly accommodate all the liquid, and instead merely give it some body.
Acids and Salt Tenderize There’s no truth to the common saying that acidity and salt “toughen” egg proteins. Acids and salt do pretty much the same thing to egg proteins. They get the proteins together sooner, but they don’t let them get as close together. That is, acids and salt make eggs thicken and coagulate at a lower cooking temperature, but actually produce a more tender texture.
The key to this seeming paradox is the negative electrical charge that most of the egg proteins carry, and that tends to keep them at a distance from each other. Acids — cream of tartar, lemon juice, or the juice of any fruit or vegetable — lower the pH of the egg, and thus diminish the proteins’ mutually repelling negative charge. Similarly, salt dissolves into positively and negatively charged ions that cluster around the charged portions of the proteins and effectively neutralize them. In both cases, the proteins no longer repel each other as strongly, and therefore approach each other and bond together earlier in the cooking and unfolding process, when they’re still mostly balled up and can’t intertwine and bond with each other as tightly. In addition, coagulation of the yolk proteins and of some albumen proteins depends on sulfur chemistry that is suppressed in acidic conditions (see the discussion of egg foams, p. 103). So eggs end up more tender when salted, and especially when acidified.
Cooks have known this for a long time. In Morocco, Paula Wolfert found that eggs are often beaten with lemon juice before long cooking to prevent them from becoming leathery; and Claudia Roden gives an Arab recipe for scrambled eggs made unusually creamy with vinegar (the eggs’ alkalinity reduces the amount of free, odorous acetic acid, so the flavor is surprisingly subtle). Eggs scrambled with tart fruit juices were popular in 17th century France, and may have been the ancestors of lemon curd.
Early Acid-Tenderized Eggs
Marmelades or Scrambled Eggs and Verjus, Without Butter
Break four eggs, beat them, adjust with salt and four spoonsful of verjus [sour grape juice], put the mix on the fire, and stir gently with a silver spoon just until the eggs thicken enough, and then take them off the fire and stir them a bit more as they thicken. One can make scrambled eggs in the same way with lemon or orange juice…
— Le Patissier françois, ca. 1690
The Chemistry of Egg Flavor
Fresh eggs have a mild flavor that has proven difficult to analyze. The white contributes the main sulfury note, the yolk a sweet, buttery quality. The aroma produced by a given egg is slightest immediately after laying, and gets stronger the longer it’s stored before cooking. In general, egg age and storage conditions have a greater influence on flavor than the hen’s diet and freedom to range. However, both diet and pedigree can have noticeable effects. Brown-egg breeds are unable to metabolize an odorless component of rapeseed and soy meals (choline), and their intestinal microbes then transform it into a fishy-tasting molecule (triethylamine) that ends up in the eggs. Fish-meal feeds and certain feed pesticides cause off-flavors. The unpredictable diet of truly free-range hens will produce unpredictable eggs.
Something between 100 and 200 compounds have been identified in the aroma of cooked eggs. The most characteristic is hydrogen sulfide, H2S. In large doses — in a spoiled egg or industrial pollution — H2S is very unpleasant. In a cooked egg it contributes the distinctively eggy note. It’s formed predominantly in the white, when the albumen proteins begin to unfold and free their sulfur atoms for reaction with other molecules, at temperatures above 140ºF/60ºC. The longer the albumen spends at these temperatures, the stronger the sulfury aroma. Greater quantities of H2S are produced when the egg is older and the pH higher (the highly alkaline conditions in Chinese preserving methods, p. 116, also liberate copious amounts of H2S). Added lemon juice or vinegar reduces H2S production and its aroma. Because hydrogen sulfide is volatile, it escapes from cooked eggs during storage, so they get milder with time. Small quantities of ammonia are also created during cooking and make a subliminal contribution to egg flavor (but an overpowering one in Chinese preserved eggs).
Basic Egg Dishes
Eggs Cooked in the Shell
“Boiling an egg” is often taken as a measure of minimal competence in cooking, since you leave the egg safe in its shell and have only to keep track of the water temperature and the time. Though we commonly speak of hard- and soft-boiled eggs, boiling is not a good way to cook eggs. Turbulent water knocks the eggs around and cracks shells, which allows albumen to leak out and overcook; and for hard-cooked eggs, a water temperature way above the protein coagulation temperature means that the outer layers of the white get rubbery while the yolk cooks through. Soft-cooked eggs aren’t cooked long enough to suffer in the same way, and should be cooked in barely bubbling water, just short of the boil. Hard-cooked eggs should be cooked at a bubble-less simmer, between 180 and 190ºF/80–85ºC. Eggs in the shell can also be steamed, a technique that requires the least water and the least energy and time to heat the water. Leaving the lid slightly ajar on a gently bubbling steamer will reduce the effective cooking temperature to something below the boil and produce a tenderer white.
Telling Cooked Eggs from Raw
It’s easy to tell whether an intact egg is raw or already cooked. Give it a spin on its side. If it spins fast and smoothly, it’s cooked. If it seems balky and wobbly, it’s raw — the liquid insides slip and slosh and resist the movement of the solid shell.
Times and Textures Cooking times for in-shell eggs are determined by the desired texture (they also depend on egg size, starting temperature, and cooking temperature; the times here are rough averages). There’s a continuum of eggs cooked in the shell for different periods of time. The French oeuf à la coque (“from the shell”) is cooked for only two or three minutes and remains semi-liquid throughout. Coddled or “soft-boiled” eggs, cooked 3 to 5 minutes, have a barely solid outer white, a milky inner white, and a warm yolk, and are spooned from the shell. The less familiar mollet eggs (from the French molle, “soft”), cooked for 5 or 6 minutes, have a semi-liquid yolk but a sufficiently firm outer white that they can be peeled and served whole.
Hard-cooked eggs are firm throughout after cooking for 10 to 15 minutes. At 10 minutes the yolk is still dark yellow, moist, and somewhat pasty; at 15, it’s light yellow, dry, and granular. Hard-cooking is sometimes prolonged for hours to heighten color and flavor (p. 89). Chinese tea eggs, for example, are simmered until set, then gently cracked, and simmered for another hour or two in a mixture of tea, salt, sugar, and flavorings to produce a marbled, aromatic, very firm white.
Hard-Cooked Eggs A properly prepared hard-cooked egg is solid but tender, not rubbery; its shell intact and easy to peel; its yolk well centered and not discolored; its flavor delicate, not sulfurous. Good texture and flavor are obtained by taking care not to overcook the eggs, which overcoagulates their proteins and generates too much hydrogen sulfide. Any method that keeps the cooking temperature well below the boil will help avoid overcooking, as will plunging the cooked eggs into ice water. Gentle cooking also takes care of most shell and yolk problems — but not all.
Easily Cracked and Not So Easily Peeled Shells A shell that cracks during hard cooking makes a mess and a sulfurous stink, while a shell that doesn’t peel away cleanly makes an ugly, pockmarked egg. A traditional preventative measure for both problems is to poke a pinhole in the wide end of the shell, but studies have found that this doesn’t make much difference. The best way to avoid cracking is to heat fresh eggs gently, without the turbulence of boiling water. On the other hand, the best guarantee of easy peeling is to use old eggs! Difficult peeling is characteristic of fresh eggs with a relatively low albumen pH, which somehow causes the albumen to adhere to the inner shell membrane more strongly than it coheres to itself. At the pH typical after several days of refrigeration, around 9.2, the shell peels easily. If you end up with a carton of very fresh eggs and need to cook them right away, you can add a half teaspoon of baking soda to a quart of water to make the cooking water alkaline (though this intensifies the sulfury flavor). It also helps to cook fresh eggs somewhat longer to make the white more cohesive, and to allow the white to firm up in the refrigerator before peeling.
Off-Center Yolks and Flat-Bottomed Whites Well-centered yolks for attractive slices or stuffed halves are easiest to obtain from fresh, high-grade eggs with small air cells and plenty of thick albumen. As eggs age, the albumen loses water and becomes more dense, which makes the yolk rise. Industry studies have found that you can increase the proportion of centered yolks somewhat by storing eggs on their sides instead of their ends. Various cooking strategies have also been suggested, including rotating the eggs around their long axis during the first several minutes in the pot, and standing them on end. None of these is completely reliable.
Green Yolks The occasional green-gray discoloration on the surface of hard-cooked yolks is a harmless compound of iron and sulfur, ferrous sulfide. It forms at the interface of white and yolk because that’s where reactive sulfur from the former comes into contact with the iron from the latter. The alkaline conditions in the white favor the stripping of sulfur atoms from the albumen proteins when heat unfolds them, and the sulfur reacts with iron in the surface layer of yolk to form ferrous sulfide. The older the egg, the more alkaline the white, and the more rapidly this reaction occurs. High temperatures and prolonged cooking produce more ferrous sulfide.
Yolk greening can be minimized by using fresh eggs, by cooking them as briefly as possible, and by cooling them rapidly after cooking.
Long-Cooked Eggs An intriguing alternative to the standard hard-cooked egg is the Middle Eastern hamindas (Hebrew) or beid hamine (Arabic), which are cooked for anywhere from 6 to 18 hours. They derive from the Sephardic Sabbath mixed stew (called hamin, from the Hebrew for “hot”), which was put together on Friday, cooked slowly in the oven overnight, and served as a midday Sabbath meal. Eggs included in the stew shell and all, or alternatively long-simmered in water, come out with a stronger flavor and a striking, tan-colored white. During prolonged heating in alkaline conditions, the quarter-gram of glucose sugar in the white reacts with albumen protein to generate flavors and pigments typical of browned foods (see the explanation of the Maillard reaction on p. 778). The white will be very tender and the yolk creamy if the cooking temperature is kept in a very narrow range, between 160 and 165ºF/71–74ºC.
Eggs Cooked Out of the Shell
Baked, Shirred, en Cocotte There are several ways of soft-cooking eggs that are broken out of the shell and into a container, which might be a dish or a hollowed-out fruit or vegetable. As is true of in-shell soft-cooked eggs, timing is of the essence to avoid overcoagulation of the white and yolk proteins, and depends on the nature and placement of the heat source. In the case of baked or shirred eggs, the dish should be set on the middle rack to avoid overcooking the top or bottom while the rest cooks through. Eggs en cocotte (“in the casserole”) are cooked in dishes set in a pan of simmering water, either on the stovetop or in the oven. Here the eggs are well buffered from the heat source, yet cook just as quickly as baked eggs because water transfers heat more rapidly than the oven air.
Eggs and Fire
Another Way with Eggs (Roasting)
Turn fresh eggs carefully in warm ashes near the fire so that they cook on all sides. When they begin to leak they are thought to be freshly done, and so are served to guests. These are the best and are most agreeably served.
Eggs on a Spit
Pierce eggs lengthwise with a well-heated spit and parch them over the fire as if they were meat. They should be eaten hot. This is a stupid invention and unsuitable and a cooks’ joke.
— Platina, De honesta voluptate et valetudine, 1475
Poached Eggs A poached egg is a containerless, soft-cooked egg that generates its own skin of coagulated protein in the first moments of cooking. Slid raw into a pan of already simmering water — or cream, milk, wine, stock, soup, sauce, or butter — it cooks for three to five minutes, until the white has set, but before the yolk does.
The Problem of Untidy Whites The tricky thing about poached eggs is getting them to set into a smooth, compact shape. Usually the outer layer of thin white spreads irregularly before it solidifies. It’s helpful to use fresh Grade AA eggs shelled just before cooking, which have the largest proportion of thick white and will spread the least, and water close to but not at the boil, which will coagulate the outer white as quickly as possible without turbulence that would tease the thin albumen all over the pan. Other conventional cookbook tips are not very effective. Adding salt and vinegar to the cooking water, for example, does speed coagulation, but it also produces shreds and an irregular film over the egg surface. An unconventional but effective way to improve the appearance of poached eggs is simply to remove the runny white from the egg before poaching. Crack the egg into a dish, then slide it into a large perforated spoon and let the thin white drain away for a few seconds before sliding the egg into the pan.
Timing Poached Eggs by Levitation There’s a professional method for poaching eggs that also makes great amateur entertainment. This is the restaurant technique in which eggs are cracked into boiling water in a tall stockpot, disappear into the depths, and — as if by magic! — bob up to the surface again just when they’re done: a handy way indeed to keep track of many eggs being cooked at once. The trick is the use of vinegar and salt (at about ½ and 1 tablespoon respectively for each quart of cooking water, 8 and 15g per liter) and keeping the water at the boil. The vinegar reacts with bicarbonate in the thin white to form tiny buoyant bubbles of carbon dioxide, which get trapped at the egg surface as its proteins coagulate. The salt increases the density of the cooking liquid just enough that the egg and three minutes’ worth of bubbles will float.
Fried Eggs The containerless fried egg is even more prone to spreading than the poached egg because it is heated only from below, so its white is slower to coagulate. Fresh, high-grade eggs give the most compact shape, and straining off the thin white also helps. The ideal pan temperature for a pale, tender fried egg is around 250ºF/ 120ºC, when butter has finished sizzling but hasn’t yet browned, or oil to which a drop of water has been added has stopped sputtering. At higher temperatures, you lose tenderness but gain a more flavorsome, browned and crisp surface. The top of the egg can be cooked by turning the egg over after a minute or so, or by adding a teaspoon of water to the pan and covering it to trap the resulting steam, or — as in the browned Chinese “coin-purse” egg — the egg can be folded over onto itself when barely set, so that top and bottom are crisped but the yolk remains protected and creamy.
Poached Threads
A kind of poached egg that was enjoyed in 17th century France and England, and still is in modern China and Portugal, is egg yolk trailed in a thin stream into hot syrup, then lifted out as sweet, delicate threads.
Scrambled Eggs Scrambled eggs and omelets are made from yolks and whites mixed together, and are therefore a good fate for fragile, runny lower-quality eggs. These dishes frequently include other ingredients. Cream, butter, milk, water, or oil (used in China) will dilute the egg proteins and produce a tenderer mass when the eggs are carefully cooked; overheating, however, will cause some of the added liquid to separate. Watery vegetables like mushrooms should be precooked to prevent them from weeping into the eggs. Chopped herbs, vegetables, or meats should be warm — not hot or cold — to avoid uneven heating of adjacent egg proteins.
The Key to Scrambled Eggs: Slow Cooking Scrambled eggs made in the usual quick, offhand way are usually hard and forgettable. The key to moist scrambled eggs is low heat and patience; they will take several minutes to cook. The eggs should be added to the pan just as butter begins to bubble, or oil makes a water drop dance gently. Texture is determined by how and when the eggs are disturbed. Large, irregular curds result if the cook lets the bottom layer set for some time before scraping to distribute the heat. Constant scraping and stirring prevents the egg proteins at the bottom from setting into a separate, firm layer, and produces a creamy, even mass of yolk and thin white punctuated with very fine curds of thick white. Scrambled eggs should be removed from the pan while still slightly underdone, since they will continue to thicken for some time with their residual heat.
Omelets If good scrambled eggs demand patience, a good omelet takes panache — a two- or three-egg omelet cooks in less than a minute. Escoffier described the omelet as scrambled eggs held together in a coagulated envelope, a skin of egg heated past the moist, tender stage to the dry and tough, so that it has the strength to contain and shape the rest. Its formation requires a hotter pan than do evenly tender scrambled eggs. But a hot pan means fast cooking to avoid overcooking.
An important key to a successful omelet is contained in the name of the dish, which since the Middle Ages has gone through various forms — alemette, homelaicte, omelette (the standard French) — and comes ultimately from the Latin lamella, “thin plate.” The volume of eggs and the pan diameter should be balanced so that the mix forms a relatively thin layer; otherwise the scrambled mass will take too long to cook and be hard to hold together. The usual recommendation is three eggs in a medium-sized frying pan, which should have a well-seasoned or nonstick surface so that the skin will come away from it cleanly.
Safe Poached Eggs
The runny yolk in ordinary poached eggs hasn’t been heated enough to eliminate any salmonella bacteria that might be present. To eliminate bacteria while keeping the yolk soft, transfer the finished egg to a second large pan full of water at 150ºF/65ºC, cover, and let sit for 15 minutes. Check the thermometer every few minutes; if the water drops below 145ºF/63ºC, put it back on the heat. If you want to cook the eggs a short time before serving them, this hot-water bath is a useful alternative to chilling and then reheating.
The skin of an omelet can be formed either just at the end of the cooking, or right from the beginning. The fastest technique is to scramble the eggs vigorously with a spoon or fork in a hot pan until they begin to set, then push the curds into a rough disk, let the bottom consolidate for a few seconds, shake the pan to release the disk, and fold it onto itself. A more substantial and more uniform-looking skin results if the eggs are left undisturbed for a while to allow the bottom surface to set. The pan is then shaken periodically to free the skin from the pan while the still-liquid portion alone is stirred until creamy, and the disk finally folded and slipped onto a plate. Yet another way is to let the bottom of the mix set, then lift an edge with the fork and tip the pan to let more of the liquid egg run underneath. This is repeated until the top is no longer runny, and the mass then folded over.
An omelet with an especially light texture (omelette soufflée) is made by whipping the eggs until they’re full of bubbles, or by whipping the separated whites into a foam and folding them gently back into the mixture of yolks and flavorings. The mix is poured into a heated pan and cooked in a moderate oven.
Egg-Liquid Mixtures:
Custards and Creams
Eggs are mixed with other liquids across a tremendous range of proportions. One tablespoon of cream will enrich a scrambled egg, while one beaten egg will slightly thicken a pint of milk into an eggnog. Just about in the middle of this range — at around 4 parts liquid to 1 part egg, or 1 cup/250 ml to 1 or 2 eggs — are the custards and creams, dishes in which the egg proteins give substantial body to otherwise thin liquids. These terms are often used interchangeably, which obscures a useful distinction.
In this section I’ll use custard to mean a dish prepared and served in the same container, often baked and therefore unstirred, so that it sets into a solid gel. The custard family includes savory quiches and timbales as well as sweet flans, crèmes caramels, pots de crème, crèmes brûlées, and cheesecakes. Creams, by contrast, are auxiliary preparations, made from essentially the same mix as custards but stirred continuously during stovetop cooking to produce a thickened but malleable, even pourable mass. Pastry cooks in particular use crème anglaise (so-called “custard cream”), pastry cream (crème pâtissière), and their relatives to coat or fill or underlie a great variety of baked sweets.
Classically Smooth Scrambled Eggs
Oeufs brouillés au jus (Scrambled Eggs with Meat Demiglace)
Break a dozen fresh eggs into a dish, beat them thoroughly, pass them through a strainer into a casserole dish, add six ounces of Isigny butter cut into small pieces, season with salt, white pepper, and grated nutmeg; place on a moderate stove and whip gently with a little egg-white whip. As soon as they begin to thicken remove the casserole from the flame and continue to whip until the eggs form a light, smooth cream. Then add a little chicken demiglace, as big as a nut of butter, cut into pieces, return to the stove to finish the cooking, pour into a silver casserole and garnish with croutons passed through nicely colored butter.
— Antonin Carême, L’Art de la cuisine française au 19ième siècle, 1835
Dilution Demands Delicacy
Nearly all the problems that arise in custard and cream making come from the fact that the egg proteins are spread very thin by the other ingredients. Take the nearly identical recipes for a typical sweet milk custard or a crème anglaise: 1 whole egg, 1 cup/250 ml milk, 2 tablespoons/30 gm sugar. The milk alone increases the volume of the mix — which the proteins must span and knit together — by a factor of 6! And each tablespoon of sugar surrounds every protein molecule in the egg with several thousand sucrose molecules. Because the egg proteins are so outnumbered by water and sugar molecules, the coagulation temperature in a custard is between 10 and 20ºF higher than in the undiluted egg, between 175 and 185ºF/79–83ºC. And the protein network that does form is tender, tenuous, and fragile. Exceed the coagulation range by just 5 or 10ºF and the network begins to collapse, forming water-filled tunnels in the custard, grainy curds in the cream.
Gentle Heat Many cooks have known the temptation to crank up the heat after a custard has been in the oven for an hour with no sign of setting, or a cream has been stirred and stirred with no sign of thickening. But there’s good reason to resist. The gentler these dishes are heated, the greater the safety margin between thickening and curdling. Turning up the heat is like accelerating on a wet road while you’re looking for an unfamiliar driveway. You get to your destination faster, but you may not be able to brake in time to avoid skidding past it. Chemical reactions like coagulation develop momentum, and don’t stop the second you turn off the heat. If the thickening proceeds too fast, you may not be able to detect and stop it before it overshoots done and hits curdled. A curdled cream can often be salvaged by straining out the lumps, but an overcooked custard is a loss.
Always Add Hot Ingredients to Cold Careful heating is also important during preparation of the mix. Most custard and cream mixes are made by scalding milk or cream — quickly heating it just to the boil — and then stirring it into the combined eggs and sugar. This technique heats the eggs gently but quickly to 140 or 150ºF, just 30 to 40ºF short of the setting temperature. Doing the reverse — adding cold eggs to the hot milk — would immediately heat the first dribbles of egg close to the boil and cause premature coagulation and curdling.
Though scalding was a form of insurance in times when milk quality was uncertain, it can now be dispensed with in custard making — unless you need to flavor the milk by infusing it with vanilla or coffee beans, citrus peel, or another solid flavoring. A custard mixed cold has just as even a texture and sets almost as quickly as a pre-scalded one. Pre-scalding the milk remains handy in making creams because milk (or cream) can be boiled quickly with little attention from the cook, while heating the milk-egg mix from room temperature requires a low flame and constant stirring to prevent coagulation at the pan bottom.
Green Eggs in the Chafing Dish
Scrambled eggs and omelets kept hot in a chafing dish or on a steam table will sometimes develop green patches. This discoloration results from the same reaction that turns hard-cooked yolks green (p. 89), and is encouraged by the persistent high temperature and the increased alkalinity of the cooked eggs (the rise is about half a pH unit). It can be prevented by including an acidic ingredient in the egg mixture, around a half teaspoon/2 gm lemon juice or vinegar per egg; half that amount will slow the discoloration and affect the flavor less.
Curdling Insurance: Starch in Custards and Creams Flour or cornstarch can protect against curdling in custards and creams, even if they’re cooked quickly over direct heat and actually boil. (The same is true for egg-based sauces like hollandaise; see p. 628.) The key is the gelation of the solid starch granules in these materials. When heated to 175ºF/77ºC and above — right around the temperature at which the egg proteins are bonding to each other — the granules absorb water, swell up, and begin to leak their long starch molecules into the liquid. The swelling granules slow protein binding by absorbing heat energy themselves, and the dissolved starch molecules get in the proteins’ way and prevent them from bonding to each other too intimately. Because they contain starch, both chocolate and cocoa can also help stabilize custards and creams.
A full tablespoon/8g of flour per cup/250ml liquid (or 2 teaspoons/5g pure starch in the form of cornstarch or arrowroot) is required to prevent curdling. The disadvantage is that this proportion of starch also turns a creamily smooth dish into a coarser, thicker one, and diminishes its flavor.
Custard Theory and Practice
In the West, custards are almost always made with milk or cream, but just about any liquid will do as long as it contains some dissolved minerals. Mix an egg with a cup of plain water and you get curdled egg floating in water; include a pinch of salt and you get a coherent gel. Without minerals, the negatively charged, mutually repelling protein molecules avoid each other as they unfold in the heat, and each forms only a few bonds with a few others. With minerals, positively charged ions cluster around the negatively charged proteins and provide a neutralizing shield, which makes it possible for the proteins to unfold near each other and bond extensively into a fine network. Meats are rich in minerals, and the Japanese make savory custards, chawan-mushi (soft) and tamago dofu (firm), from both bonito and chicken broths. Vegetable stocks also work.
Proportions The consistency of a custard can be firm or soft, slick or creamy, depending on its egg content. The greater the proportion of whole eggs or whites, the firmer and glossier the custard. Extra yolks, or using yolks alone, will produce a more tender, creamier effect. A custard to be served in the container it was cooked in can be as soft as the cook desires. Those that are to be turned out of a container for serving must be firm enough to stand on their own, which means that they must contain either some egg whites or at least 3 yolks per cup/250 ml of liquid (the LDL-bound yolk proteins are less efficient networkers than the free-floating albumen proteins, so we need more of them to make a firm gel). The replacement of some or all of the milk with cream reduces the proportion of eggs required for a given firmness, since cream contains 20 to 40% less water and the egg proteins are proportionally less diluted. Unmolding is easiest from a buttered ramekin, and when the custards have been allowed to cool thoroughly; cooling firms protein gels.
Food Words: Custard, Cream, Flan
The nomenclature for egg-milk mixtures has always been loose. The English “custard” began as “croustade” in medieval times, and meant dishes served in a crust — thus, for egg-milk combinations, usually baked and unstirred, and so solid. Early English creams could be either liquid or solid, as could the French crèmes. Those congealed past the point of creaminess became known as crèmes prises, or “set creams.”
Flan, a French word, comes from the late Latin for “flat cake.”
Custards that contain fruits or vegetables can turn out very uneven, with pockets of fluid and curdling. (Usually this is undesirable, though the Japanese expect chawan-mushi to weep and treat it as a combination of custard and soup.) The culprits are juices that leak out of the plant tissue, and fibrous particles, which cause local overcoagulation of egg proteins. The juice leakage can be reduced by precooking the fruit or vegetable, and including some flour in the mix to help bind excess liquid and minimize overcoagulation. These dishes are best cooked very gently and only until barely done.
Cooking Cooks have known for thousands of years that a low cooking temperature provides the greatest safety margin for making custards: that is, it gives us more time to recognize that the dish is properly done and remove it from the heat, before it toughens and tunnels. Custards are usually baked in a moderate oven with the protection of a water bath, which keeps the effective cooking temperature below the boiling point. The actual temperature depends on the pan material and whether and how the water bath is covered (see box). It’s a mistake to cover the whole water bath, since this forces the water to the boil and makes it more likely that the custards will be overcooked. The most gentle heating results when the individual molds are set covered on a rack in an open, thin metal pan of hot water.
Custard doneness can be judged by bumping the dish — the contents should move only sluggishly — or by probing the interior with a toothpick or knife, which should return without any mix clinging to it. When the proteins have coagulated enough that the mix clings mostly to itself, the dish is done. Unless the custard needs to be firm enough to unmold, it’s best taken from the oven while the center is still slightly underdone and jiggly. The egg proteins continue to set somewhat with the residual heat, and the custard will in any case be firmer once cooled to serving temperature.
“Ribboning” Yolks with Sugar
Cookbooks often assert the importance of beating yolks with sugar until they lighten in color and thicken sufficiently to form a ribbon when trailed from a spoon. This stage does not mark any critical change in the yolk components. It’s simply a sign that much of the sugar has dissolved in the limited yolk water (about half the volume of the yolks themselves), which makes the mix viscous enough to pour thickly and retain air bubbles (the cause of the whitening). Sugar grains are a convenient means for mixing the yolks and albumen remnants thoroughly, but the quality of a cream or custard will not suffer if you mix the yolks and sugar thoroughly but stop short of the ribbon.
Savory Custards: The Quiche The quiche (a French version of the German Kuchen, “little cake”) can be thought of either as a savory custard or a close relative of the omelet. It is a pie-shaped mixture of eggs and cream or milk that contains small pieces of a vegetable, meat, or cheese. To make it firm enough to be cut into wedges for serving, a quiche normally contains 2 whole eggs per cup/250 ml of liquid, and is baked unprotected by a water bath, either alone or in a precooked crust. The Italian frittata and Egyptian eggah are similar preparations that omit any milk or cream.
Crème Caramel and Crème Brûlée Crème caramel is a freestanding sweet custard with a layer of moist caramel on top. It’s made by coating the bottom of the dish with a layer of caramelized sugar (see p. 656) before the custard mix is poured in and cooked. The caramel does harden and stick to the dish, but moisture from the custard mix softens it, and the two layers become partly integrated. The custard is turned out of the dish while still slightly warm and the caramel soft. If the custard must be refrigerated before serving, leave it in the mold; the caramel can be softened again by placing the dish in a shallow pan of hot water for a minute or two before unmolding.
Crème brûlée (“burned cream”) is also a custard topped with caramel, but here the caramel should be hard enough to shatter when rapped with a spoon. The trick is to harden and brown the sugar topping without overcooking the custard. The standard modern method is to bake the custard and then chill it for several hours, so that the subsequent caramelizing step won’t overcook the egg proteins. The hard crust is then made by coating the custard surface with granulated sugar, and then melting and browning the sugar, either with a propane torch or by placing the dish right under the broiler. The dishes are sometimes immersed in an ice-water bath to protect the custard from a second cooking. From the time of its invention in the 17th century until early in the 20th, crème brûlée was a stirred cream, prepared on the stovetop by making a crème anglaise, pouring it into dishes, and caramelizing the sugar topping with a red-hot metal plate, or “salamander.”
The Surprising Science of Water Baths
Most cooks know that oven heat can be moderated with a water bath. Though the oven may be at 350ºF, the liquid water can’t exceed 212ºF/100ºC, the temperature at which it boils and turns from liquid into vapor. Less well known is the fact that the water temperature can vary over a range of 40ºF depending on the pan containing the water and whether it’s covered. A pan of water is heated by the oven, but it’s simultaneously cooled as water molecules evaporate from the surface. The actual water temperature is determined by the balance between heating of the water mass through the pan, and evaporative cooling at the water surface. More heat accumulates in a thick cast iron pan or passes through infrared-transparent glass than is transmitted by thin stainless steel. So in a moderate oven, a cast-iron water bath may reach 195ºF/87ºC, a glass bath 185ºF/ 83ºC, and a stainless one 180ºF/80ºC. If the pans are covered with foil, then evaporative cooling is prevented, and all of them will come to a full boil.
Custards are tenderest when heated gently, and so are best cooked in an open water bath — one, however, that is sure to reach at least 185ºF; otherwise the mix may never completely set. Many cooks take the precaution of folding a kitchen towel in the bottom of the water bath so that the custard cups or dish won’t be in direct contact with the hot pan, but this can backfire: the towel prevents the water from circulating under the cups, so the water trapped there reaches the boil and rocks the cups around. A wire rack works better.
Cheesecake We don’t ordinarily think of cheesecake as a custard, probably because the presence of eggs is masked by the richness of the filling they bind together, which is some combination of ricotta cheese, cream cheese, sour cream, heavy cream, and butter. The proportions for cheesecake are similar to those for other custards, approaching 1 egg per cup/250 ml of filling, though the greater richness and tartness of the filling demand more sugar for balance, around 4 tablespoons per cup (60 gm per 250 ml) instead of 2. Flour or cornstarch is sometimes included to stabilize the gel and, in the case of ricotta cheesecakes, to absorb water that may be released from the fresh cheese.
The thick texture and high fat content of cheesecake filling necessitate more delicate treatment than a standard custard. Instead of a preliminary cooking on the stovetop, the sugar is first mixed into the cream ingredients, and the eggs then incorporated along with other flavorings. The cool mix is poured into the pan (often preceded by a crumb crust) and baked at a gentle 325ºF/163ºC, often in a water bath. The last phase of cooking may take place with the heat off and the oven door ajar, which smooths the transition between cooking and cooling.
First Recipes for Crème Brûlée, Crème Anglaise, and Crème Caramel
Massialot’s recipe for crème brûlée is the first I know of. The identical recipe in the 1731 edition of his book is renamed “Crême a l’Angloise,” which may well be the origin of that basic stirred cream. An English model for “English cream” hasn’t yet been unearthed.
Crème brûlée
Take four or five egg yolks, according to the size of your platter. You mix them well in a casserole with a good pinch of flour; and little by little you pour in some milk, about [3 cups/750 ml]. Add a little stick cinnamon, and chopped green citron peel…. Put on the stovetop and stir continuously, taking care that your cream doesn’t stick to the bottom. When it is well cooked, place a platter on the stove, pour the cream onto it, and cook it again until you see it stick to the platter rim. Then remove from the heat and sugar it well: take the fire iron, good and red, and burn the cream so that it takes on a fine gold color.
— F. Massialot, Le Cuisinier roial et bourgeois, 1692
A few decades later, Vincent La Chapelle plagiarized Massialot’s recipe for his own version of crème brûlée, which comes close to the modern crème caramel. La Chapelle copies Massialot word for word up to the point that the cream is cooked on the stovetop. Then…
When the cream is well cooked, put a silver platter onto the hot stove with some powdered sugar and a little water to dissolve it; and when your sugar has colored, pour the cream on top; turn the sugar along the platter rim onto the top of your cream, and serve at once.
— V. La Chapelle, Le Cuisinier moderne, 1742
The most common problem with cheesecakes is the development of depressions and cracks in the surface, which result when the mix expands and rises during the cooking, then shrinks and falls as it cools down. Rising is essential for soufflés and sponge cakes, but it is antithetical to the dense richness of cheesecake. Four basic strategies will minimize it. First, beat the ingredients slowly, gently, and only long enough to obtain an even mix. Vigorous or long beating incorporates more air bubbles that will fill with steam and expand during baking. Second, bake the cheesecake slowly in a low oven. This will allow trapped air and steam to disperse gradually and evenly. Third, don’t overbake. This will dry the filling and cause it to shrink from moisture loss. Finally, cool the cheesecake gradually in the open oven. Cooling causes any trapped air or steam to contract, and the more gradually this happens, the more gently the cheesecake surface is pulled in.
Cream Theory and Practice
Creams are easier to make than custards in two respects. They’re heated on the stovetop, so the cook doesn’t have to consider the fine points of heat transfer in the oven. And because they’re not served as is, in the container they’re cooked in, some curdling can be tolerated and remedied by putting the cream through a strainer before it’s served.
Pourable and Stiff Creams There are two broad classes of creams, and they demand entirely different handling by the cook. The pourable creams, crème anglaise for example, are meant to have the consistency of heavy cream at serving temperature. They contain the standard eggs, milk, and sugar (sugar is omitted for a savory cream), and are cooked only until they just begin to thicken, far below the boil. The cream fillings — crème pâtissière, banana cream, and so on — are meant to stay put in a dish and hold their shape. They are therefore stiffened with a substantial dose of flour or cornstarch; and this means not only that they can be heated to the boil, they must be boiled. Egg yolks contain a starch-digesting enzyme, amylase, that is remarkably resistant to heat. Unless a starch-egg mix is brought to a full boil, the yolk amylase will survive, digest the starch, and turn the stiff cream into a pourable one.
When stored for any time, creams should be protected against the formation of the leathery skin that results from evaporation, which concentrates and toughens the surface layer of protein and starch. Butter can be dotted onto the warm surface, where the milk fat will melt and spread into a protective layer; and sprinkled sugar will form a layer of concentrated syrup that resists evaporation. The most straightforward solution is to press waxed paper or buttered parchment directly onto the cream. Avoid plastic wrap; its plasticizing chemicals tend to migrate into fat-rich foods.
A Medieval Cheesecake
Tart de bry
Take raw yolks of eggs, and good fat cheese, and dress it, and mix it well together; and add powder of ginger, and of cinnamon, and sugar, and saffron, and put it in a crust, and bake it, and serve it forth.
— from a manuscript published in Antiquitates Culinariae, 1791 (ca. 1400)
Crème Anglaise and Other Pourable Creams The mix for a stirred cream is made much as baked-custard mixes are. An especially rich cream may call for yolks only, as many as 4 or 5 per cup/250 ml milk. The eggs and sugar are mixed with scalded milk or cream, and the mixture is then stirred constantly on the stovetop until it thickens enough to cling to the spoon, at around 180ºF/80ºC. The gentle heat of a double boiler minimizes the possibility of curdling, but it takes longer than direct heat. The thickened cream is then strained of any coagulated egg or other solid particles, and cooled, with occasional stirring to prevent the proteins from setting into a solid gel. An ice bath will cool the cream quickly, but demands more frequent stirring to maintain an even texture. Fruit purees are generally added after the cooling, because their acidity and fibrous particles can cause curdling during the cooking.
Pastry Cream, Bouillie, and Cream-Pie Fillings Along with crème anglaise, pastry cream is one of the most versatile of the dessert maker’s stock preparations. It’s used mainly to fill and decorate cakes and pastries, and is a common reinforcing base for sweet soufflés; in Italy and France it’s even cut into pieces and fried on its own. It must therefore be thick enough to hold its shape at room temperature, and so is stiffened with between 1 and 2 tablespoons flour (or about half that amount of pure starch) per cup liquid/10–20 gm per 250 ml.
Pastry cream is made by adding scalded milk to the mixture of sugar, eggs, and flour, whose protective action allows the mix to be brought to a full boil over direct heat without curdling. After a minute or so of boiling (and constant stirring) to thoroughly inactivate the yolk amylase enzyme and to extract starch from its granules, and to improve the flavor, the thickened cream is scraped into a bowl and allowed to cool with minimal stirring (stirring breaks the developing starch network and thins it out). Once cool, pastry cream is sometimes enriched with cream or butter, or lightened with foamed egg whites, or simultaneously enriched and lightened with whipped cream.
The First Recipe for Pastry Cream
Pastry cream has been a standard professional preparation for more than three centuries.
The Manner of Making Cresme de Pâstissier
Take for example a chopine [3 cups/750 ml] of good milk…. Put the milk in a pot on the fire: you must also have four eggs, and while the milk heats up, break two eggs, and mix the white and yolk with about a half litron [7 oz/185 gm] flour, as if for making porridge, and a little milk. And when the flour is well diluted so that it has no more lumps, you throw in the other two eggs to mix them well with this preparation.
And when the milk begins to boil you pour in little by little this mix of eggs and flour and milk, and boil together on a low flame that is clear and without smoke; stir with a spoon as you would a porridge. You must also add salt at your discretion as it cooks, and a quarteron [a quarter-pound/125 gm] good fresh butter.
This cream should be cooked for 20 to 25 minutes, then pour it into a bowl and set aside this preparation, which pastry cooks call cream and use in many baked goods.
— Le Pâtis sier françois, ca. 1690
A traditional French variant on pastry cream is the bouillie (literally “boiled”; the word means a plain porridge-like cereal paste), which is made at the last minute, and primarily to reinforce soufflés. For a bouillie, milk, sugar, and flour are heated together to the boil, removed from the heat, and the eggs beaten in as the mix cools. Because the egg proteins are not as thoroughly heated and coagulated as they are in the technique for pastry cream, the consistency of a bouillie is lighter and smoother. Some yolk amylase enzyme survives in a bouillie, but this doesn’t matter if the dish is to be made and served immediately; the enzyme takes hours to digest a noticeable amount of starch.
However, the survival of yolk amylase can spell disaster in the fillings for American cream pies, which are often made in the fashion of a bouillie rather than a pastry cream, and are held for hours or days before serving, enough time for a perfect cream pie to disintegrate into a soupy mess. No matter what a recipe may say, always be sure that the egg yolks in a starch-thickened pie filling are heated all the way to the boil.
Fruit Curds Fruit curds — lemon curd is the most common — can be thought of as a kind of cream in which the place of milk is taken by fruit juice, usually enriched with butter. (They may have begun as a sweetened version of creamy eggs scrambled with fruit juice; see p. 86.) Fruit curds are meant to have a spoonable consistency that works well as a filling for small pastries or a breakfast spread, and must be sweet enough to balance the acidity of the juice. They therefore contain no flour, more sugar, and more eggs than do milk creams, typically 4 eggs (or 8 yolks) and a cup or more of sugar for a half-cup of butter and a half-cup of juice (375 gm sugar per 125 ml each of butter and juice).
Egg Foams: Cooking
with the Wrist
If the transformation of eggs by heat seems remarkable, consider what beating can do! Physical agitation normally breaks down and destroys structure. But beat eggs and you create structure. Begin with a single dense, sticky egg white, work it with a whisk, and in a few minutes you have a cupful of snowy white foam, a cohesive structure that clings to the bowl when you turn it upside down, and holds its own when mixed and cooked. Thanks to egg whites we’re able to harvest the air, and make it an integral part of meringues and mousses, gin fizzes and soufflés and sabayons.
The full foaming power of egg white seems to have burst forth in the early 17th century. Cooks had noticed the egg’s readiness to foam long before then, and by Renaissance times were exploiting it in two fanciful dishes: imitation snow and the confectioner’s miniature loaves and biscuits. But in those days the fork was still a novelty, and twigs, shreds of dried fruits, and sponges could deliver only a coarse froth at best (see box, p. 101). Sometime around 1650, cooks began to use more efficient whisks of bundled straw, and meringues and soufflés start to appear in cookbooks.
Like the head on a beer or a cappuccino, an egg foam is a liquid — the white — filled with a gas — air — in such a way that the mixture of liquid and gas keeps its shape, like a solid. It’s a mass of bubbles, with air inside each bubble, and the white spread out into a thin film to form the bubble walls. And the makeup of those liquid walls determines how long a foam can stand up. Pure water has such a strong surface tension — such strong attractive forces among its molecules — that it immediately starts to pull itself together into a compact puddle; and it’s so runny that it puddles almost immediately. The many nonwater molecules in egg white both reduce the surface tension of the water they float in, and make it less runny, and thus allow the bubbles to survive long enough to accumulate into a sizeable mass. What gives the mass of foam a useful kitchen lifetime is the white’s team of proteins.
How the
Egg Proteins
Stabilize Foams
Stress Builds Protein Solidarity As is true for the setting of heated eggs and custards, the key to the stable egg foam is the tendency of the proteins to unfold and bond to each other when they’re subjected to physical stress. In a foam this creates a kind of reinforcement for the bubble walls, the culinary equivalent of quick-setting cement. Whipping exerts two kinds of physical stress on the proteins. First, as we force the whisk through the white, the whisk wires drag some of the liquid with them, and create a pulling force that unfolds the compacted protein molecules. And second, because water and air are very different physical environments, the simple mixing of air into the whites creates an imbalance of forces that also tugs the proteins out of their usual folded shape. All these unfolded proteins (mainly the globulins and ovotransferrin) tend to gather where air and water meet, with their water-loving portions immersed in the liquid and their water-avoiding portions projecting into the air. Thus disturbed and concentrated, they readily form bonds with each other. So a continuous, solid network of proteins pervades the bubble walls, holding both water and air in place.
Early Egg-White Foams: “Snow” and Biscuits
How to Break Whites of Eggs Speedily
A fig or two shred in pieces and then beaten amongst the whites of eggs will bring them into an oil speedily: some break them with a stubbed rod, and some by wringing them often through a sponge.
— Sir Hugh Platt, Delightes for Ladies, 1605
Eggs in Snow
Break the eggs, separate the whites from the yolks, place the eggs on a plate with some butter, season them with salt, place on hot coals. Beat and whip the whites well, and just before serving throw them on the yolks with a drop of rosewater, the fire iron underneath: sugar, then serve.
Another way: You may put the yolks in the middle of the snow that is made with your whipped whites, and then cook them before the fire on a plate.
— François Pierre de La Varenne, Le Cuisinier françois, 1651
To Make Italian Biskets
Take a quarter of a pound of searsed [sieved] Sugar, and beat it in an Alabaster Mortar with the white of an Egg, and a little Gum Dragon [gum tragacanth] steept in Rose water to bring it to a perfect Paste, then mould it up with a little Anniseed and a grain of Musk; then make it up like Dutch bread, and bake it on a Pye-plate in a warm Oven, till they rise somewhat high and white, take them out, but handle them not till they be throughly dry and cold.
— Queen’s Closet Open’d, 1655
Permanent Reinforcement A raw egg-white foam will eventually coarsen, settle, and separate. It must therefore be reinforced when it is turned into a final dish. This may be done by adding other thickening ingredients — such things as flour, cornstarch, chocolate, or gelatin. But if the foam is to be used relatively pure, as in a meringue or a flourless soufflé, the egg proteins have to do the job themselves. With the help of heat, they do beautifully.
Ovalbumin, the major protein in egg white, is relatively immune to beating and doesn’t contribute much to the raw foam. But it is sensitive to heat, which causes it to unfold and coagulate. So when the raw foam is cooked, ovalbumin more than doubles the amount of solid protein reinforcement in the bubble walls. At the same time, much of the free water in the foam evaporates. Heat thus allows the cook to transform a transient semi-liquid foam into a permanent solid one.
How Proteins Destabilize Foams
The very same forces that make egg foams also break egg foams. Often just as the foam is reaching its optimum texture, it will get grainy, lose volume, and separate into a dry froth and a runny liquid. As the proteins bond to each other to support the foam, they embrace each other too tightly, and squeeze out the water they had held between them. There are several different kinds of bonds by which the long, unfolding egg proteins are joined to each other in a reinforcing network: bonds between positively and negatively charged parts of molecules, between water-like parts, between fat-like parts, and between sulfur groups. The protein network begins to collapse when too many of these bonds accumulate and the proteins cluster together too tightly. Fortunately, there are simple ways for the cook to limit the accumulation of bonds and prevent the collapse of albumen foams.
Blocking Sulfur Bonds with Copper Bowls… Long before anyone knew about egg proteins or their chemical bonds, cooks had come up with a way of controlling them. The French tradition has long specified the use of copper utensils for making egg foams. One early trace of this tradition is a 1771 illustration in the French Encyclopédie that shows a boy in a pastry kitchen working with a straw whisk and what the accompanying key identifies as “a copper bowl for beating egg whites.” It turns out that along with a very few other metals, copper has the useful tendency to form extremely tight bonds with reactive sulfur groups: so tight that the sulfur is essentially prevented from reacting with anything else. So the presence of copper in foaming egg whites essentially eliminates the strongest kind of protein bond that can form, and makes it harder for the proteins to embrace each other too tightly. Sure enough, if you whip egg whites in a copper bowl — or in a glass bowl to which you’ve added a pinch of a powdered copper supplement from a health food store — the foam stays glossy and never develops grains. A silver-plated bowl will do the same thing.
Foamed egg whites. The folded proteins in egg white (left) produce a light, long-lived foam by unfolding at the interface between liquid and air, the walls of the air bubbles. The unfolded proteins then bond to each other, and form a solid meshwork of reinforcement around the bubbles (right).
…And Acids There are disadvantages to the traditional copper bowl: it’s expensive, and a nuisance to keep clean. (Copper contamination is negligible; a cup of foam contains a tenth of our normal daily intake.) Fortunately there’s a nonmetallic alternative for controlling reactive sulfur groups. The sulfur bonds form when the sulfur-hydrogen (S-H) groups on two different protein molecules shed their hydrogens and form a sulfur-sulfur (S-S) connection with each other. The addition of an acid boosts the number of free-floating hydrogen (H) ions in the egg white, which makes it much harder for the S-H groups to shed their own H, and so slows the sulfur bonding down to a crawl. A good dose is 1/8 teaspoon/0.5g cream of tartar or ½ teaspoon/2ml lemon juice per egg white, added at the beginning of the beating.
The Enemies of Egg Foams
There are three enemies to the successful mounting of a foam which the cook should be careful to exclude from the bowl: egg yolk, oil or fat, and detergent. All are chemical relatives, and interfere with foaming in the same ways: by competing with the proteins for a place at the air-water interface without offering any structural reinforcement; and by interfering with the bonding of the protein molecules. Traces of these troublemakers won’t absolutely prevent you from making a foam, but they’ll make you work harder and longer, and the foam won’t be as light or stable. Of course yolk and fat can safely be mixed with a finished foam, as happens in many recipes for soufflés and egg-leavened batters.
Copper bowls and eggs in the 18th century. This is a detail of “Pâtissier,” or “The Pastry-cook,” from the Encyclopédie , an engraving first published in 1771. The boy at right wields what the accompanying key calls “a copper bowl for beating egg whites and mixing them with the dough from which biscuits are made.”
of Other Ingredients
Egg white foams are almost always made with other ingredients, and these can influence the beating process and the final consistency.
Salt Salt increases the whipping time and decreases the foam’s stability. Salt crystals dissolve into positively charged sodium and negatively charged chloride ions, and these probably compete for bonding sites on the unfolded protein molecules, thereby reducing the number of protein-protein bonds and so weakening the overall structure. It’s therefore best to add salt to the other components of a dish — the base of a soufflé, for example — rather than to the foam itself.
Sugar Sugar both hinders and helps foam making. Added early in the process, it delays foaming, and it reduces the foam’s ultimate volume and lightness. The delay comes from sugar’s interference with the unfolding and bonding of the proteins. And the reduction in volume and lightness is caused by the syrupy sugar-egg mixture being harder to spread into thin bubble walls. Slow foaming is a real disadvantage when the whites are whipped by hand — at standard soft-meringue levels, it doubles the work — but less so if you’re using a stand mixer.
The helpful thing about sugar is that it improves the foam’s stability. By making the liquid thick and cohesive, sugar greatly slows drainage from the bubble walls and coarsening of texture. In the oven, the dissolved sugar hangs onto the water molecules and so delays their evaporation in the high heat until after ovalbumin has had time to coagulate and reinforce the raw foam. And it eventually contributes reinforcement of its own in the form of fine but solid, cotton-candy-like strands of dry sugar.
Sugar is usually incorporated into the egg whites after the foam has begun to form, when many proteins are already unfolded. For some purposes, cooks will mix sugar and whites at the outset, in order to obtain a very firm, dense foam.
A Silver Bullet for the Copper Theory
Why do copper bowls make more stable egg foams? I’ve wondered about this for many years. In 1984 I did some experiments with the help of Stanford University biologists, and then published a theory in the British science journal Nature and in the first edition of this book. The experiments suggested that one of the albumen proteins, ovotransferrin, takes up copper from the bowl surface and is thereby rendered resistant to unfolding — which could make the foam as a whole resistant to overcoagulating. That theory stood up for ten years, until one day on a whim I tried whipping egg whites in a silver-plated bowl. Ovotransferrin doesn’t bind silver, so the foam should have turned grainy. It didn’t. It remained light and glossy. I resumed my frothy investigations, and learned that both copper and silver do block sulfur reactions between proteins. Hence the revised edition of the copper theory outlined here.
Water Water is seldom called for, but in small amounts it increases the volume and lightness of the foam. Because water thins the whites, however, it’s more likely that some liquid will drain from the foam. Albumen diluted by 40% or more of its volume in water cannot produce a stable foam.
Basic Egg-Beating Techniques
Beating egg whites into a foam is one of those techniques about which cooks and cookbooks wax stern and stringent. In fact it’s not all that sensitive to details. Just about any egg and bowl and whisk can give you a good foam.
Choosing the Eggs An egg foam begins with the eggs. Old eggs at room temperature are often recommended on the grounds that the whites are thinner and therefore foam more rapidly. This is true, and very fresh eggs are said to be almost impossible to foam by hand. But fresh eggs are less alkaline and so make a more stable foam; the older thin white also drains from the foam more easily, and old eggs are more likely to leave traces of yolk in the white. Cold yolks are less likely to break as you separate them from the whites, and the whipping process quickly warms cold eggs anyway. Fresh eggs right out of the refrigerator will work fine, especially if you’re using an electric mixer. Egg foams can also be made with dried egg whites. Powdered egg whites are pure, pasteurized, freeze-dried egg whites. “Meringue powder” contains more sugar than egg, and includes gums to stabilize the foam.
Bowl and Whisk The bowl in which you beat the whites should be large enough to accommodate an eightfold expansion of their volume. It’s often recommended that the cook avoid making egg foams in plastic bowls, because plastics are hydrocarbon relatives of fats, and tend to retain traces of fats and soaps. While this is true, the bowl is also unlikely to release such traces into a mass of egg white. Ordinary cleaning is adequate to make a plastic bowl suitable for foaming eggs.
If you’re beating by hand, a large “balloon whisk” aerates a greater volume of the egg whites at a time and will speed your work. If you have a choice of machines, a stand mixer whose beater both spins on its shaft and traces a curlicue path from the center to the edge of the bowl (a “hypocycloidal” or planetary motion) beats the whites more evenly and leaves less unfoamed. Less efficient beaters produce a denser texture.
Interpreting the Foam’s Appearance There are various ways to judge when the foam is at its optimum, from seeing whether the foam will support the weight of a coin or an egg, to seeing how it supports itself, in soft mounds or sharply defined peaks, to seeing whether it clings to the bowl or slips along its surface, whether its surface looks glossy or dry. All these tests tell us how crowded the air bubbles are, and how much lubrication they have between them in the way of liquid from the egg white. And different dishes will define an optimum foam differently. The lightening power of an egg foam depends not just on the foam’s volume, but also on how easily it can be mixed with other ingredients, and how well it can accommodate bubble expansion in the oven. Soufflés and cakes require the lubrication and expansion tolerance of a somewhat underbeaten foam, while in meringues and related pastries volume is less important than shape-holding stiffness.
Glossy Soft Peaks and Stiff Peaks At the “soft peak” stage, when glossy foam edges retain some shape but droop, and when the foam doesn’t yet cling to the bowl, the somewhat coarse bubbles are still lubricated by plenty of liquid, which would quickly drain to the bottom of the bowl. At the “stiff peak” stage, where the foam is still glossy but now retains a well-defined edge and clings to the bowl, the foam is approaching 90% air, and the egg liquid has been spread so thin that the protein webs in adjacent bubble walls begin to catch on each other and on the bowl surface. There’s just enough lubrication left for the foam to be creamy and easily mixed with other ingredients. This stage, or perhaps just before it, is the optimum for making mousses, soufflés, sponge cakes, and similar dishes that involve mixing and further rising in the oven. Further beating gains little additional volume.
Dry Peaks and Beyond Just past the stiff-peak stage, the foam is even firmer, takes on a dull, dry appearance and crumbly consistency, and begins to leak some liquid, so that it slips away from the bowl again. At this “slip-and-streak” stage, as pastry chef Bruce Healy describes it, the protein webs in adjacent bubble walls are bonding to each other and squeezing out what little liquid once separated them. Pastry makers look for this stage to give them the firmest foam for a meringue or cookie batter; they stop the incipient overcoagulation and weeping by immediately adding sugar, which separates the proteins and absorbs the water. They also start the beating with about half the cream of tartar per egg that a cake or soufflé maker will, so that the foam will in fact progress to this somewhat overwhipped condition. Past the slip-and-streak stage, the foam begins to lose volume and get grainy.
Egg foams can be used on their own or as the aerating ingredient in a variety of complicated mixtures.
Meringues: Sweet Foams
on Their Own
Though they’re sometimes folded into cake or cookie batters or fillings, meringues — sweetened egg foams — generally stand by themselves as a discrete element in a dish: as a frothy topping, for example, or a creamy icing, or a hard edible container, or melt-in-the-mouth decoration. A meringue foam must therefore be stiff and stable enough to hold its shape. The cook obtains both stiffness and stability by the addition of sugar and/or of heat. Meringues are often baked very slowly in a low oven (200ºF/93ºC) to dry them out into a brittle, pristinely white morsel or container. (The door of electric ovens should be left slightly ajar to allow the meringue’s moisture to escape; gas ovens are already vented.) When quickly browned in a hot oven or under the broiler — atop a pie, for example — the surface gets crisp while the interior remains moist. Poached in milk for the dish called Floating Islands, they are firm yet moist throughout.
Sugar in Meringues The addition of sugar is what makes a fragile egg-white foam into a stable, glossy meringue. The more sugar added, the more body the meringue will have, and the crisper it will be when baked. The proportion (by either volume or weight) of sugar to egg white ranges from about 1 to 1 to about 2 to 1, the equivalent of a 50% and a 67% sugar solution, respectively. The higher is typical of jams and jellies — and also the room-temperature limit of sugar’s solubility in water. Ordinary granulated sugar won’t dissolve completely in a “hard” meringue, and will leave a gritty texture and weeping syrup drops. Superfine and powdered “confectioner’s” sugar, or a premade syrup, are better choices. (Powdered sugar, which weighs half as much as the other sugars cup for cup, contains 10% cornstarch to help prevent caking, which some cooks dislike and others value as moisture-absorbing insurance.)
Meringue Types The traditional meringue terminology — French, Italian, Swiss, and so on — is unclear and used inconsistently. These foams are best classified according to the method of preparation and resulting texture. Meringues can be either uncooked or cooked. If the sugar is added after the egg whites have been whipped on their own, the meringue will be relatively light; if the sugar is added early in the whipping, the meringue will be relatively dense.
Uncooked Meringues Uncooked meringues are the simplest and most common, and provide a broad range of textures, from frothy to creamy to dense and stiff. The lightest possible consistency is obtained by first beating the whites to a firm foam and then gently folding in the sugar with a spatula. The sugar dissolves into the existing bubble walls and adds both bulk and cohesiveness to them. The added bulk gives the bubbles more room to slide past each other and creates a soft, frothy consistency suitable for a spread pie topping or for folding into a mousse or chiffon mix, but too fragile to shape. A creamier, firmer consistency results when the sugar is not merely folded in, but beaten in. In this case, the sugar’s added bulk is spread out as the beating further subdivides the bubbles, and the cohesiveness of the sugar-water mixture noticeably tightens the foam’s texture. The longer you beat the egg-sugar mixture, the stiffer it will get and the more finely it can be shaped.
These standard methods take only a few minutes but require the cook’s attention. Some professionals, particularly in France, make firm meringues suitable for the pastry pipe on the kitchen equivalent of autopilot. They place all the sugar in the bowl of a stand mixer, add a portion of the egg whites with some lemon juice to prevent graining, mix for several minutes — the timing is not critical — then add more whites, mix a while, and so on. The result is a fine-textured, stiff, supple meringue. Beating the eggs gradually into the sugar rather than the other way around does slow the foaming, but requires little supervision. Such “automatic” meringues are denser than usual and less brittle when dried down.
Food Words: Meringue
Thanks to the Larousse Gastronomique, it’s widely believed that the meringue was invented by a pastry chef in the Swiss town of Mieringen around 1720, and brought to France a couple of decades later by the Polish father-in-law of Louis XV. Sounds suitably colorful: except that the French writer Massialot had already published a recipe for “Meringues” in 1691.
The linguist Otto Jänicke has traced the word meringue back to an alteration of the Latin word merenda, meaning “light evening meal,” into meringa, a form that was found in the Artois and Picardie near what is now Belgium. Jänicke cites many variations on merenda that variously meant “evening bread,” “shepherd’s loaf,” “food taken to the field and forest,” “traveler’s snack.”
What do breads and road food have to do with whipped egg whites? Early baked sugar-egg pastes were called “biscuits,” “breads,” and “loaves” because they were miniature imitations of these baked goods (biscuits, being thoroughly dried and therefore light and durable, were standard traveler’s fare). Perhaps such a confection was called meringa in northeast France. Then, when cooks from that region discovered the advantage of beating the eggs thoroughly with the new straw whisk before adding sugar, the local term spread with their invention, and in the rest of France served to distinguish this delicate foam from its dense predecessors.
Between the two extremes — adding all the sugar after the foam has been made, or adding it all at the start of foaming — are a host of methods that call for adding certain portions of the sugar along the way. There’s plenty of latitude in meringue making! Just remember: the earlier the sugar is added in the course of beating, the firmer and finer-textured the meringue. Sugar folded in after the beating stops will soften the texture.
Cooked Meringues Cooked meringues are more trouble to make than uncooked meringues, and are generally denser because heat sets the albumen proteins and prematurely limits the trapping of air. However, they offer several advantages. Because sugar is more soluble in hot liquid than in cold, they more readily absorb a large proportion of sugar. Like the dense automatic meringue (above), they’re less brittle when dried down. Partial coagulation of the egg proteins stabilizes these foams enough to sit without separating for a day or more. And for cooks concerned about the safety of raw eggs, some cooked meringues get hot enough to kill salmonella bacteria.
There are two basic kinds of cooked meringues. The first (“Italian”) is the syrup-cooked meringue. Sugar is boiled separately with some water to 240 or 250ºF/115–120ºC (the “soft-ball” stage, around 90% sugar, at which fudge and fondant are made), the whites whipped to stiff peaks, and the syrup then streamed and beaten into the whites. The result is a fluffy yet fine-textured, stiff foam. It has enough body to decorate pastries and to hold for a day or two before use, but is also light enough to blend into batters and creams. Because much of the syrup’s heat is lost to the bowl, whisk, and air, the foam mass normally gets no hotter than 130 or 135ºF/55–58ºC, which is insufficient to kill salmonella.
The second sort of cooked meringue (“Swiss”) is most clearly described as a cooked meringue plain and simple (the French meringue cuite). To make it, eggs, acid, and sugar are heated in a hot-water bath and beaten until a stiff foam forms. The bowl is then removed from the heat and the foam beaten until it cools. This preparation can pasteurize the egg whites. Thanks to the protective effects of sugar, cream of tartar, and constant agitation, you can heat the meringue mixture to 170 or 175ºF/75–78ºC and still end up with a stable though dense foam. The cooked meringue can be refrigerated for several days, and is usually piped into decorative shapes.
Meringue Problems: Weeping, Grittiness, Stickiness Meringues can go wrong in a number of ways. Under- or overbeaten foams may weep syrup into unsightly beads or puddles. Beads also form when the sugar hasn’t been completely dissolved; residual crystals attract water from their surroundings and make pockets of concentrated syrup. Undissolved sugar (including invisibly small particles present in an undercooked syrup that then slowly grow at room temperature) will give a gritty texture to a meringue. Too high an oven temperature can squeeze water from the coagulating proteins faster than it can evaporate and produce syrup beads; it can also cause the foam to rise and crack, and turn its surface an unappealing yellow.
Royal Icing
A given weight of egg whites can’t dissolve more than about double that weight in sugar. Yet royal icing, a traditional decorative material in pastry work, is made by whipping a 4 to 1 mixture of powdered sugar and egg white for 10 or 15 minutes. Royal icing is not a simple foam — it’s a combination of a very dense foam and a paste. Much sugar remains undissolved, but it’s so fine that we can’t feel it on the tongue.
A common problem with meringue pie toppings is that they weep syrup onto the base and don’t adhere properly. This can be caused both by relative undercooking of the foam bottom when the pie base is cold and the oven hot, or by relative overcooking on a hot pie base in a moderate oven. Preventive measures include covering the pie base with a syrup-absorbing layer of crumbs before adding the meringue topping, and including starch or gelatin in the foam to help it retain moisture.
Humid weather is bad for meringues. Their sugary surface absorbs moisture from the air and gets soft and sticky. It’s best to transfer dried meringues directly from the oven to an airtight container, and serve as soon as possible after removing from the container.
Cold Mousses and Soufflés: Reinforcement from Fat and Gelatin In addition to being served as is in the form of a sugar- and heat-stabilized meringue, an egg foam can also be enrobed in a mixture of other ingredients, for which the foam serves as a hidden scaffolding. The cold mousse and cold soufflé (essentially a mousse molded to look like a hot soufflé that has risen above its dish) hold well for hours, even days, and require only minimal cooking. Instead of being stabilized when heat coagulates egg proteins, these mixtures are stabilized when cold congeals fats and gelatin protein.
The classic dish of this kind is chocolate mousse. In its purest form, it is made by melting chocolate — a blend of cocoa butter, starchy cocoa particles, and finely ground sugar — at around 100ºF/38ºC, combining it with raw egg yolks, and combining this mixture with 3 to 4 times its volume of stiffly beaten egg whites (see p. 112). The watery foam walls are thus augmented with the thick, yolky chocolate, and much of the egg moisture is absorbed by the cocoa solids and sugar, which further thickens the bubble walls. While still warm, the mousse is spooned into serving dishes, and these are then refrigerated for several hours. As the mousse cools, the cocoa butter congeals, and the bubble walls become rigid enough to maintain the foam structure indefinitely. The chocolate thus strengthens the egg foam, and the foam spreads the stodgy chocolate mass into a gossamer structure that melts on the tongue.
Soufflés: A Breath of Hot Air
Soufflés — savory and sweet mixes lightened with an egg-white foam, then dramatically inflated above their dish by oven heat — have the reputation for being difficult preparations. Certainly they can be among the most delicate, as their name — French for “puffed,” “breathed,” “whispered” — suggests. In fact, soufflés are reliable and resilient. Many soufflé mixes can be prepared hours, even days in advance, and refrigerated or frozen until needed. If you manage to get any air into the mix, an inexorable law of nature will raise it in the oven, and opening the door for a few seconds won’t do it any harm. The inevitable post-oven deflation can be minimized by your choice of ingredients and cooking method, and can even be reversed.
Edible Insulation
Egg foams are often used to cover and conceal the heart of a dish. Among the most entertaining of these constructions is the hot, browned meringue enclosing a mass of chilly ice cream: the baked Alaska, which derives from the French omelette surprise. This thermal contrast is made possible by the excellent insulating properties of cellular structures like foams. For the same reason, a cup of cappuccino cools more slowly than a cup of regular coffee.
The basic idea of the soufflé — and of egg-leavened cakes as well — dates back at least to the 17th century, when confectioners noticed that a “biscuit” paste of egg whites and sugar worked in a mortar would rise in the oven like a loaf of bread. Sometime around 1700, French cooks began to incorporate foamed whites into the yolks to make a puffy omelette soufflée. At mid-century, Vincent La Chapelle could offer five omelettes soufflées and — under the names timbale and tourte — the first recorded soufflés as we now know them, their foams reinforced with pastry cream, which came to displace the omelette soufflée in restaurants. The great 19th century chef Antonin Carême called the reinforced soufflé “the queen of hot pastries,” but also saw its success as the triumph of convenience and stability over the omelette soufflée’s incomparable delicacy of texture and flavor. Carême wrote, “The omelette soufflée must be free of the concoction that goes into the soufflé, whether it be rice flour or starch. The gourmet must have the patience to wait if he wishes to eat the omelette soufflée in all its perfection.”
Convenience is certainly one reason for the soufflé’s popularity among cooks. It can be largely prepared in advance, even precooked and reheated. Versatility is another. Soufflés can be made from practically every sort of food — pureed fruits and vegetables and fish; cheese, chocolate, liqueurs — and in a broad range of textures, from the puddinglike to the meltingly fragile soufflé à la minute, which is Carême’s starch-free omelette soufflée barely altered.
Early Recipes for the Omelette Soufflée and Soufflé
This 18th century recipe for the omelette soufflée is an interesting mix of savory and sweet ingredients, while the timbales are soufflés reinforced with pastry cream.
Omelette Soufflée with Veal Kidney
Take a roasted veal kidney, chop with its fat; put in a casserole and cook for a moment to break apart. Then off the fire add a large spoonful of sweet cream and a dozen egg yolks, whose whites you will whip; season the mixture with salt, minced parsley, minced candied lemon peel. Whip your egg whites into snow, mix with the rest, and beat well. Then put a piece of butter in a pan, and when it has melted pour in your mixture, and cook gently. Hold a red-hot fire iron above it. Then invert it onto the serving platter and put it on a small stove, so that it will rise up; when risen to a handsome enough height, powder with sugar and glaze with the fire iron without touching the omelette. Serve hot as an entremet.
Timbales of Cream
You will have a good pastry cream, bitter-almond biscuits, candied lemon peel, orange flower; add to these egg whites whipped into snow. You will have little timbale dishes greased with good fresh butter: you powder them with bread crumbs; then you fill them with your cream, and cook them in the oven. When they are done, turn them out and serve as a small hot entremet.
— Vincent La Chapelle, Le Cuisinier moderne, 1742
The Soufflé Principle, Up Side: It Must Rise The physical law that animates the soufflé was discovered a few decades after its invention by — appropriately — a French scientist and balloonist, J. A. C. Charles. Charles’s law is this: all else equal, the volume occupied by a given weight of gas is proportional to its temperature. Heat an inflated balloon and the air will take up more space, so the balloon expands. Similarly, put a soufflé in the oven and its air bubbles heat up and swell, so the mix expands in the only direction it can: out the top of the dish.
Charles’s law is part of the story, but not the whole story — it accounts for about a quarter of the typical soufflé rise. The rest comes from the continuous evaporation of water from the bubble walls into the bubbles. As portions of the soufflé approach the boiling point, more liquid water becomes water vapor and adds to the quantity of gas molecules in the bubbles, which increases the pressure on the bubble walls, which causes the walls to stretch and the bubbles to expand.
Down Side: It Must Fall Charles’s law also means that what must go up in the oven must come down at the table. A balloon expands as its temperature rises, but shrinks again if its temperature falls. Of course a soufflé must be taken out of the oven to be served, and from that moment on it loses heat. As the soufflé bubbles cool, the air they contain contracts in volume, and the vapor that came from liquid water in the mix condenses back into liquid.
Rules of Thumb Several basic facts follow from the nature of the driving forces behind the soufflé. First, the higher the cooking temperature, the higher a soufflé will rise: the plain heat expansion will be greater, and more mix moisture will be vaporized. At the same time, a higher cooking temperature also means a greater subsequent overpressure and swifter fall. Then there’s the effect of consistency. A thick soufflé mix can’t rise as easily as a thin mix, but it also won’t fall as easily. A stiff foam can resist the overpressure.
So the two critical factors that determine the behavior of a soufflé are the cooking temperature and the consistency of the soufflé base. A hot oven and thin mix create a more dramatic rise than a moderate oven (or water bath) and a thick mix, but also a more dramatic collapse at the table.
The rise and fall of a soufflé. Left: The soufflé mix begins filled with small air bubbles. Center: Heat causes gases to expand and water to vaporize into steam, so the bubbles expand and raise the mix. Right: After the soufflé has been cooked, cooling causes the bubble gases to contract and the steam to condense into liquid water, so that the bubbles contract and the soufflé shrinks.
Finally, a fact that follows from both the up and the down sides of the soufflé principle: a fallen soufflé will rise again if put back into the oven. Those air bubbles are still in there, as is most of the moisture; and both air and moisture will expand again as the temperature goes up. You won’t get as high a rise the second or third time around, because the soufflé mix has stiffened and there’s less water available. But you can resurrect leftovers, or cook the soufflé once to set it and unmold it, then again to serve it.
The Soufflé Base The soufflé base, the preparation into which the foamed egg whites are incorporated, serves two essential purposes. The first is to provide the soufflé’s flavor (the base must be over flavored to compensate for its dilution by tasteless egg white and air). The second purpose is to contribute a reservoir of moisture for the soufflé’s rise, and starch and protein to make the bubble walls viscous enough that they won’t ooze down again. Usually the base is precooked and can’t actually thicken during the soufflé’s rise. The bubble walls are set by the egg white proteins, which can be effective only if they’re not excessively diluted by the base material. The usual rule is to allow at least one white or one cup whipped white per half-cup/125 ml base.
The consistency of the base has a strong influence on soufflé quality. Too liquid, and the soufflé will rise and spill over before the egg proteins have a chance to set. Too stiff, and it won’t mix evenly with the foamed whites or rise much. A common rule of thumb is that the base should be cohesive yet soft enough to fall of its own weight from a spoon.
Many Formulas Soufflé bases are made from a broad range of ingredients. Those that contain just egg yolks, sugar, and flavoring are the lightest and most delicate and produce the equivalent of the omelette soufflée, often called soufflé à la minute because it can be made quickly with no advance preparation. A concentrated sugar syrup will make the bubble walls more viscous and stable, as will the various carbohydrates (cellulose, pectin, starch) in pureed fruits and vegetables, and the proteins in a puree of cooked meat, fish, or poultry. If the pureed flesh is raw, then its proteins will coagulate during the cooking along with the egg whites and provide substantial reinforcement to the foam. The starchy brown particles in cocoa and chocolate stiffen the bubble walls by both absorbing moisture and getting sticky and swollen as they do so.
The most versatile kind of soufflé base is thickened with cooked starch in the form of stock preparations like pastry cream or béchamel sauce, or a panade (like pastry cream, but without sugar and including butter) or bouillie (p. 99). The standard consistency of a starchy base is that of a medium-thick sauce, and produces a moist, fairly light soufflé. Double the flour and you get a drier, denser soufflé that is robust enough to be unmolded, placed in a dish with a hot sauce, and raised again in the oven or under the broiler (Escoffier’s soufflé à la suissesse). Triple the flour and you get a so-called “pudding soufflé” — with the bready texture you would expect from the name — that won’t fall no matter what you do to it. (Increase the flour 15-fold and you have a sponge cake.)
Whipping and Folding the Egg Whites The best consistency for egg whites in a soufflé preparation is stiff yet moist, glossy peaks. A stiff but dry foam is harder to mix evenly with the base, while a softer foam is still coarse — so the soufflé texture will be the same — and may leave the mix so runny that it will overflow before it sets.
The trick is to mix the two materials as evenly as possible while losing as little air as possible. Typically, between a quarter and half of the foam volume is lost at this stage. The traditional method of mixing base and foam is to vigorously stir a quarter of the foam into the base to lighten it, then use a spatula to “fold” the two together by repeatedly scooping some base, cutting vertically through the foam, and depositing the base along the cut surface.
Why laboriously fold rather than quickly stir? Because the rough mass of starch, fats, and other foreign matter in the base pops bubbles, and the more you rub the bubbles against such a mass, the more bubbles you lose. Simply stirring continuously grates the two phases together and causes a substantial loss of air. Folding has the advantage of disturbing the foam only along the surface where the base is being deposited, and that surface is only disturbed for a single stroke. The result is minimal grating of bubbles against mix, and maximal bubble survival.
Despite the usual cookbook direction to fold the whites and base together quickly, it’s best to fold slowly. The disruptive shear force felt by a given bubble is proportional to the velocity at which it’s being pushed along the base. The slower your spatula moves, the less damage it will do to the foam.
The one exception to the folding rules is the soufflé made with a fruit puree or juice cooked with sugar to a thick syrup. Such a base can be poured onto the foam as it’s beaten — a soufflé version of the Italian meringue — and will actually increase the mix volume.
Preparing and Filling the Soufflé Dish Ever since La Chapelle’s timbale of cream, soufflé dishes have been prepared in two steps: first the interior is buttered, and then coated with sugar for a sweet soufflé, with breadcrumbs or grated cheese for a savory one. The butter supposedly helps the soufflé mix slide up the side as it expands, while the particles give the mix something to cling to as it climbs. Contradictory claims, and not true! Soufflés made in unbuttered or uncrumbed dishes rise just as high. The butter simply makes the soufflé surface easier to detach from the dish, and sugar, breadcrumbs, and cheese make a nice crunchy, brown crust for the otherwise soft interior.
Once put in its dish, a reasonably stiff soufflé mix can be held for several hours in the refrigerator before the foam deteriorates. It will keep indefinitely in the freezer.
Cooking Soufflés Baking soufflés is not a perilous enterprise. Put a room-temperature soufflé mix in a hot oven and it will rise. Don’t worry about opening the oven door. The mix can’t fall unless it actually begins to cool down, and even if that did happen, it will rise again when it heats up again.
Most soufflés are placed directly on a rack or baking sheet in the oven, but small individual soufflés are often light enough that they can be blasted halfway out of their dish by the steam generated at the oven-hot dish bottom, so the dish ends up half empty. A baking pan filled with water, or individual foil cups of water on a baking sheet, will moderate the bottom temperature and keep a small soufflé in its dish.
A soufflé’s appearance and consistency are strongly affected by the oven temperature. At temperatures above 400ºF/200ºC, the mix rises the fastest, and the surface can brown while the interior is still moist and creamy. At 325 to 350ºF/160 to 180ºC, the rising is more modest, and surface browning coincides with a firming of the interior. A slow oven may coagulate the surfaces so gradually that the expanding mix spills out of its dish rather than rising vertically. Doneness can be determined by probing the interior with a toothpick, and is a matter of taste; some people like a creamy interior that still clings to the toothpick, others prefer a more fully cooked consistency, which clings to itself and leaves the toothpick clean.
Zabaglione and Sabayons
Yolks Can’t Foam Without Help Beat an egg white for two minutes and it will expand eightfold into a semisolid foam. Beat an egg yolk for ten minutes and you’ll be lucky to double its volume. Yolks are richer in protein than whites, and have the added advantage of emulsifying phospholipids that do a fine job of coating fat droplets: so why can’t they stabilize air bubbles and make a decent foam?
One clue is what happens when you wash out your yolky bowl: the moment you pour in some water, it foams! It turns out that the protein-rich, emulsifier-rich yolk is deficient in water. Not only does it contain about half the water that the white does, but nearly all of it is tightly bound to all the other materials. In one tablespoon/15 ml of yolk, the volume typical of a large egg, there’s about a third of a teaspoon/2 ml of free, foamable water. Add two teaspoons to give it the same free water as a white, and it foams enthusiastically.
Enthusiastically but fleetingly. Put your ear to the foam and you’ll hear the bubbles popping. The other deficiency of the egg yolk is that its proteins are too stable. Neither the physical abuse of whipping nor the presence of air bubbles causes the yolk proteins to unfold and bond with each other into a reinforcing matrix. Of course heat will, as we know from hard-boiled yolks and custards. So supplement the yolk with liquid, and the whipping with careful cooking, and the mixture will rise to four or more times its original volume. Exactly this procedure is the principle of zabaglione and sabayon sauces.
Medieval Precursors of Zabaglione and Sabayon
Our modern Italian and French versions of foamed egg yolks began in medieval times as yolk-thickened wine, simply flavored in France and Italy, highly spiced in England.
Chaudeau flament (“Flemish Hot Drink,” for the Sick)
Set a little water to boil; then beat egg yolks without the whites, mix them with white wine and pour gradually into your water stirring it well to keep it from setting; add salt when it is off the fire. Some people add a very little verjuice.
— Taillevent, Le Viandier, ca. 1375
Cawdell Ferry
Take raw yolks of eggs separated from the whites; then take good wine, and warm it in a pot on a fair fire, and throw in the yolks, and stir it well, but let it not boil, till it be thick; and throw in sugar, saffron, and salt, mace, gillyflowers and galingale [a relative of ginger] ground small, and powdered cinnamon; and when you serve it, sprinkle with powdered ginger, cinnamon, and nutmeg.
— Harleian MS 279, ca. 1425
For four cups of Zabaglone get twelve fresh egg yolks, three ounces of sugar, half an ounce of good cinnamon and a beaker of good sweet wine. Cook this until it is as thick as a broth, then take it out and set it on a plate in front of the boys. And if you like you can add a bit of fresh butter.
— Cuoco Napoletano, ca. 1475, transl. Terence Scully
From Zabaglione to Sabayon The recipe trail for yolk foams is spotty. Zabaglione — from a root meaning “mixed,” “confused” — was an Italian yolk-thickened spiced wine in the 15th century, and by 1800 was sometimes foamy and sometimes not. (Even some modern zabaglione recipes are not whipped but stirred, and come out more like a winey crème anglaise.) The French discovered zabaglione around 1800, and by 1850 had incorporated it into their system of sauces as a dessert cream with the more refined-sounding name sabayon. In the 20th century they extended the principle to savory cooking broths and stocks, and to lighten classical yolk-based butter and oil sauces, including hollandaise and mayonnaise. (For the sauces, see p. 639.)
Zabaglione Technique The standard method for making zabaglione is to mix equal volumes of sugar and yolks, add the wine — usually Marsala, and anywhere from the same to four times the volume of yolks — set the bowl above a pan of simmering water, and whip for several minutes until the mix becomes foamy and thick. During the mixing and initial foaming, the elaborately nested spheres of yolk proteins are unpacked for action. Dilution, the wine’s acidity and alcohol, and air bubbles all disrupt the yolk granules and lipoprotein complexes into their component molecules so that those molecules can coat the air bubbles and stabilize them. When the temperature reaches 120ºF/50ºC, high enough to unfold some of the yolk proteins, the mix thickens, traps air more efficiently, and begins to expand. As the proteins continue to unfold and then bond to each other, the foam rises into fluffy mounds. The key to a maximally light zabaglione is to stop the heating just when the foam teeters on the cusp between liquid and solid. Further cooking will produce a stiffer, denser, eventually tough sponge as the proteins over-coagulate.
Zabaglione is traditionally made in a copper bowl over a water bath; the mix thickens at such a low temperature that direct heat can quickly overcook it. In professional kitchens, where experience is long and time is short, zabaglione and sabayons are sometimes cooked right over a flame. The advantage of a copper bowl in making yolk foams is not chemical, but physical: its excellent heat conductivity makes it quickly responsive to the cook’s adjustments. However, copper does impart a distinct metallic flavor to the foam, and some cooks prefer stainless steel for this reason.
The ideal zabaglione or sweet sabayon is soft and meltingly evanescent, yet stable enough that it can be refrigerated and served cold. Savory sabayons may be cooked short of maximal fluffiness so that they remain easily pourable, but the lubricating liquid in the bubble walls will eventually drain out and separate. Fortunately, a separated sabayon can be rebeaten to its original consistency.
Pickled and
Preserved Eggs
Until the recent developments in breeding and artificial lighting, domesticated birds produced eggs seasonally: they would begin laying in the spring, continue through the summer, and then cease in the fall. So, just as they did for milk and for fruits and vegetables, our ancestors developed methods for preserving eggs so that they could be eaten year-round. Many of these methods simply isolated the eggs from the air and left them largely unchanged. Water saturated with lime, or calcium hydroxide, is alkaline enough to discourage bacteria, and coats the egg shell with a thin layer of calcium carbonate that partly seals the shell pores. Oiling with linseed oil apparently began on Dutch farms around 1800. The early 20th century brought the use of waterglass, or a solution of sodium silicate, which again seals the shell pores and is bactericidal. These treatments were rendered obsolete by the advent of refrigeration and year-round egg production.
Still vital 500 years after their first known description are Chinese preservation methods that maintain the nutritional value of the egg but drastically change its flavor, consistency, and appearance. The closest Western counterpart to this ovo-alchemy is cheesemaking, which transforms milk into an entirely different food. Ordinary vinegar-pickled eggs offer only a hint of the possibilities; they are to Chinese preserved eggs as yogurt is to Stilton.
Pickled Eggs
Common pickled eggs are made by first boiling the eggs and then immersing them in a solution of vinegar, salt, spices, and often a coloring like beet juice, for 1 to 3 weeks. Over that time the vinegar’s acetic acid dissolves much of the shell’s calcium carbonate, penetrates the eggs, and lowers their pH sufficiently to prevent the growth of spoilage microbes. (The vinegar in Easter-egg dyes etches the shell surface and helps the dye penetrate.) Pickled eggs will keep for a year or more without refrigeration.
Pickled eggs can be eaten shell — or its remains — and all. In addition to being tart, they are firmer than freshly boiled eggs; the white is sometimes described as rubbery. A more tender consistency can be obtained by including ample salt in the pickling liquid and having the liquid at the boil when the eggs are immersed. Though the eggs won’t spoil at room temperature, they will suffer less from swollen yolks and split whites (which result when the egg absorbs the pickling liquid too rapidly) if stored in the cold.
Chinese Preserved Eggs
Though the average Chinese consumes only a third as many eggs as the average American, and though most of those eggs are chicken eggs, China is renowned for its preserved duck eggs, including the “thousand-year-old” eggs. These and plain salt-preserved eggs come from the duck-rich southern provinces, where they made it possible to transport eggs to distant markets and store them for months during the off season. The proteins and membranes of chicken eggs are less suited to some of these treatments.
Salted Eggs The simplest method for preserving eggs is to treat them with salt, which draws the water out of bacteria and molds and inhibits their growth. The eggs are immersed in a 35% salt solution, or coated individually with a paste of salt, water, and clay or mud. After 20 or 30 days, the egg stops absorbing salt and reaches chemical equilibrium. Strangely, the white remains liquid, but the yolk at its center becomes solid. The high levels of positive sodium and negative chloride ions actually shield the albumen proteins from each other, but cause the yolk particles to agglomerate into a grainy mass. Salted eggs, which are variously called hulidan and xiandan, are boiled before they’re eaten.
Fermented Eggs A second kind of preserved egg, little seen in the West, is made by covering gently cracked eggs in a fermenting mass of cooked rice or other grains mixed with salt: in essence a concentrated and salty version of sake or beer. Zaodan mature in four to six months and take on the aromatic, sweet, alcoholic flavor of their surroundings. Both white and yolk coagulate and fall out of the softened shell. Such eggs can be eaten as is or cooked first.
Pidan: “Thousand-Year-Old” Alkali-Cured Eggs The most famous of preserved eggs are the so-called “thousand-year-old” duck eggs, which actually have only been made for about 500 years, take between one and six months to mature, and keep for a year or so. They owe their popular name — the Chinese term is pidan, or “coated eggs” — to their startlingly decrepit appearance: the shell encrusted with mud, the white a transparent brown jelly, and the yolk a semisolid, somber jade. The flavor too is earthy and elemental, eggy in the extreme, salty, stonily alkaline, with strong accents of sulfur and ammonia. Pidan are toned down by rinsing the shelled egg and allowing it time to “breathe” before serving. They are a delicacy in China, and are usually served as an appetizer.
There are only two essential ingredients for making pidan, in addition to the eggs: salt, and a strongly alkaline material, which can be wood ash, lime, sodium carbonate, lye (sodium hydroxide), or some combination of these. Tea is often used for flavor, and mud to create a paste that dries to a protective crust, though the eggs can also be immersed in a water solution of the curing ingredients (this gives a faster cure but also a coarser alkaline flavor). A mild, soft-yolked version of pidan is sometimes made by adding some lead oxide to the cure. The lead reacts with sulfur from the egg white to form a fine black powder of lead sulfide, which blocks the shell pores and slows the further movement of salt and alkaline ingredients into the egg. (Lead is a potent nerve toxin, so such eggs should be avoided; look for packages clearly labeled “no lead oxide.” A similar effect can be obtained by replacing lead with zinc.)
Creating Clarity, Color, and Flavor The real transforming agent in pidan is the alkaline material, which gradually raises the already alkaline egg from a pH of around 9 to 12 or more. This chemical stress causes what might be thought of as an inorganic version of fermentation: that is, it denatures the egg proteins, and breaks down some of the complex, flavorless proteins and fats into simpler, highly flavorful components. The disruptively high pH forces the egg proteins to unfold, and at the same time confers on them a strongly repelling negative charge. The dissolved salt, with its positive and negative ions, moderates the repulsion enough that the fine strands of widely dispersed albumen proteins are able to bond into a solid yet transparent gel. In the yolk, the same extreme conditions destroy the organized structure of the yolk spheres, and with it the usual graininess; the yolk proteins coagulate into a creamy mass. The extreme alkalinity also browns the albumen by accelerating the reaction between the proteins and the trace of glucose (see p. 89), and it greens the yolk by encouraging the formation of ferrous sulfide throughout the yolk, not just at its surface (as in hard-cooked eggs; see p. 89). Finally, the alkalinity intensifies the egg’s flavor by breaking down both proteins and phospholipids into hydrogen sulfide, distinctly animal fatty acids, and pungent ammonia (the fumes from a freshly opened egg will turn litmus paper blue).
Nouveaux Pidan Recently, two Taiwanese food scientists devised a method for making a striking, toned-down version of pidan. They minimized the chemical stress, and thus the alteration of color and flavor, by limiting the alkaline treatment to eight days in a solution of 5% salt and 4.2% lye. Such eggs don’t solidify on their own. But when the unfolding and bonding are supplemented by gentle heating at 160ºF/70ºC for 10 minutes, these eggs set to a golden yolk and a colorless, clear white!
Pine-Blossom Eggs An especially prized variant of pidan is one in which the aspic-colored white is marked throughout with tiny, pale, snowflake traceries. Such eggs are known as songhuadan, or “pine-blossom” eggs. The “blossoms” turn out to be crystals of modified amino acids, which the high alkalinity has broken off from from the albumen proteins. They’re thus an index of protein breakdown and flavor generation, a delicate inscription of the mineral world on the blank orb of the animal, and an example of the unexpected delight that can lie hidden in the crudest of preparations.